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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 3/16/2005 4:08:52 PM EDT
i heard a rumor today about model 1 sales. i heard there moving to texas. the owner and his wife got a divorce and she got the business. she's moving it to texas. but he is starting a new business with all the same product. anyone confirm this or even add to the story ?
Link Posted: 3/16/2005 4:31:23 PM EDT
I heard that there is something going down in IL or something with some gun law. And thats why they moving to Texas??
Link Posted: 3/16/2005 4:32:29 PM EDT
let the flood gates open.........
Link Posted: 3/16/2005 4:40:03 PM EDT
i'm still a newb but it seems like every other day some one is saying something or asking something about model one.

$ .02
Link Posted: 3/16/2005 4:40:39 PM EDT
I hope it's not true, for a number of reasons.  The AR community is hard enough to figure out.  Now take that and add a potentially bitter divorce with both bitter partners having the same business and being competitors with each other.
Link Posted: 3/16/2005 5:01:56 PM EDT
where's SC-Texas' line drawing of the M&A and model one connection when you need it?
Link Posted: 3/16/2005 6:25:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/16/2005 6:58:55 PM EDT


i heard a rumor today about model 1 sales. i heard there moving to texas. the owner and his wife got a divorce and she got the business. she's moving it to texas. but he is starting a new business with all the same product. anyone confirm this or even add to the story ?

rumers are dangerous

Texas - yes
Everything else couldn't be further from the truth.
The new Shotgun news has their new Texas address.


I think it's actually been in there for a few weeks.

As far as IL laws go, nothing has been passed, anti-gun or otherwise, that I can think of.

I've been paying close attention to what's happening in Springfield because we have a .50 ban, AWB, and a couple CCW bills going through right now.

I hope it all comes out on our (Gunnies) side.

Link Posted: 3/16/2005 7:22:29 PM EDT
Just go to their webpage and you can verify that they are moving here to TX, just take a look at the address
Link Posted: 3/16/2005 7:50:34 PM EDT
Give us your oppressed, your tired, your persecuted firearms dealers....

Link Posted: 3/16/2005 7:54:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 4:18:47 AM EDT
bravo company i'm just coming here to see if i can find truth

i look on there website and it said nothing of the move and the address was still il

it bums me out beacuse i live in northern indiana i get usually next day shipments from them with out having to pay for because of the close proximity
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 4:38:24 AM EDT
Perhaps they simply want to move to Texas?
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 5:20:07 AM EDT
YYYEEEAAA  HHHHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!  Texas is home of beautiful girls and lots of guns.
Link Posted: 3/17/2005 5:30:58 AM EDT

YYYEEEAAA  HHHHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!  Texas is home of beautiful girls and lots of guns.

Why yes, yes it is Those are the two reasons that I'll never stay gone from here for long, hehe.

Link Posted: 3/17/2005 6:27:04 AM EDT



Give us your oppressed, your tired, your persecuted firearms dealers....


I have said it before, but I think we should all just move to Texas and succeed.  

yes, that way I can spend all my money even faster.  
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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