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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/4/2003 3:06:32 PM EDT
I have a preban Colt that has a block that is pinned in from both sides. The pins dont go all the way through so I can't just pop them out. I asked a gun dealer about it & he got al squimish & tense about it. He gave me a phone # to call in secret. All in all , a real "covert op". The spy I spoke with told me it would only daminish the value, or the collectability of the rifle, but I still want it out after all this time (6 yrs). How do I remove it, & how do I fill in the pin holes? Any wisdom, or help in this matter is welcomed. Thank you
Link Posted: 1/4/2003 3:24:11 PM EDT
That's the infamous sear block that Colt started placing in its rifles circa 1993(?) in order to protect us from ourselves.  The move toward political correctness that earned Colt scorn amongst AW enthusiasts - there is no law requiring it yet they implemented it anyway.

If you're not aware already, it simply prevents one from performing full auto conversions - illegal anyway without a Class III license.  If you don't plan to legally modify to full auto, I'd leave it alone.  I'm not aware of any illegality in removing it otherwise - can anyone comment on that?
Link Posted: 1/4/2003 7:34:55 PM EDT
As I understand it, the sear block also prevents a good trigger job/replacement. I attempted to have one done on my AR-15 Colt 6601 last gunshow & he told me the parts he had wouldn't work with the sear block.

Another unintended reaming from being PC, IMO.
Link Posted: 1/4/2003 7:38:02 PM EDT
It is not illegal to remove the block but from what I hear it will diminish the value to collectors. Unless you plan on buying a registered DIAS I wouldn't worry about removing the block.
Link Posted: 1/4/2003 11:20:12 PM EDT
Surf Kurts AR15 Forum Board, I am sure he quotes his price for removing the rear block.
Here is that link:

You could post your question there and ask him or you could go to his website, that link is located under his forum board.

Have you shot your preban Colt? It's no longer a collectors item then.
Buy'em to shoot'em!
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:09:21 AM EDT
Yes, Ive shot it alot. It's my M-4gery.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:10:00 AM EDT
Yes, Ive shot it alot. It's my M-4gery. Thanks for the help. I'll go there & see what I see.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 11:38:26 AM EDT
Really, who buys a preban AR, thinking to himself, "I will NEVER shoot this rifle! It will just sit in my safe and collect dust!" NO WAY MAN!

You buy handguns, maybe a bolt action or lever action rifle to collect, but NOT AN AR!!!
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 1:36:04 PM EDT
I've got a  Millazo-Krieger II trigger in a Colt with a sear block - no problem.

I've got a J-P trigger in a Colt with a sear block - no problem.

I've got an Accuarcy Speaks trigger in a Colt with a sear block - no problem.

Which after market trigger won't work??  Granted, you do need the larger pin size (thanks again Colt!!).  The only thing that won't fit is an M16 bolt carrier.  Even the real AR15 bolt carrier (fully circular at the rear) will fit and function with the sear block.

So, other than to leave two holes in the receiver, why remove it??  It was put there by a Colt nimrod, not by the liberals, so removing it won't even piss off a liberal!!  Leave it alone and focus your anger on a more useful subject!
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 6:01:12 PM EDT
RayDBonz, thanks for the info.  I had previously read on this forum about problems with after-market triggers in Colts with a SB, so its nice to hear it isn't true from someone who has actually done it.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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