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Page AR-15 » AR Variants
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/30/2011 9:02:43 AM EDT
I am transforming my 20" AR to a 16" carbine. Good thing is it'll be a 16" rifle gassed carbine. However I have some questions. I'm very familiar with the 5.56 variant but not so much with .308.

1) Do I need a special carbine buffer/spring assembly or will a standard assembly work? If it matters or not I'm running a stainless carrier.
2) Has anyone cut a relief in the upper receiver where the bolt release goes to allow for the attachment for a B.A.D. lever? If anyone has is there any problems with clearance of the B.A.D. in the trigger guard, etc?
3) Where is a good place I can send my barrel to have it cut back, re crowned, and have gas port work done with a quick turn around? I don't want to have my gun apart for 6 months waiting on that work to be done.

I'm sure I'll have more questions, but for the time being these are it.

Thanks in advance!
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 10:55:05 AM EDT

1) There are a couple different combos you can use.  You can use the AR10/A5 style buffer tubes with standard buffers.  You can use carbine length buffer tubes with shortened buffers, available from Slash @ Heavy Buffers or DPMS.

2) Easiest way is to get the EBR from Phase 5 Tactical


Link Posted: 1/30/2011 11:02:34 AM EDT
1+ on ADCO, they are awesome guys to work with and do great work.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 11:12:43 AM EDT
Thanks for the info Josh. Are you referring to the EBRv2, which is the welded version?
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 11:15:25 AM EDT
Yes, the V2.  The V1 wouldn't fit any better than the BAD lever.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 11:22:25 AM EDT
Ok great. For people that have used the EBR have you noticed isses with LRBHO? It's twice the weight of the B.A.D from what I've read and was curious about that. However I'm guessing with the extra spring tension in the .308 mags this would be a moot point.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 11:38:54 AM EDT
I would HIGHLY recommend going with an Armalite-style stock assembly.  They're just more reliable and consistent.

ETA:  You would need an AR10-length carbine tube, Armalite .308 spring ($6), and an off the shelf H3 buffer.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 4:18:21 PM EDT
Vltor makes an extended tube right?

Thanks for the info Wilson.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 5:33:25 PM EDT


Vltor makes an extended tube right?

Thanks for the info Wilson.
Yes.  They make the A5 and a .308 version.  They're pretty much the same thing.

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 4:34:26 AM EDT
Please, please, tell me you're not comtemplating doing this to that SR-25.......??

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 1:08:56 PM EDT
Please, please, tell me you're not comtemplating doing this to that SR-25.......??

Hell no....LOL. I have another tac driver gasser, that shoots better than 1/2 MOA when I do my part, but don't need two mission specific guns. Here she is.

So far what Im going to do to her (as this is the way she sits now) is:

1) Ditch the PRS, get a carbine tube and put on either a sopmod or CTR
2) Ditch the MRF and get the new TRX 13.8 rail (to save on weight)
3) Cut down the Noveske barrel to 16", keep the SEI vortex.
4) Add the EBR v2
5) Put a T-1 on it

I might change other small stuff, but that's the major stuff I can think of. Oh and also replace the standard bolt catch with a AR10 bolt catch for a more reliable LRBHO.

Page AR-15 » AR Variants
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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