Anytime you mess around with a barrel you have the potential to screw it up. Or make it better. It's a coin toss.
Yes and No to an extent. Flash Hider should not effect accuracy. But Murphy's Law always exist.
Then there is the possibility that the personality of the barrel will change a little. Where it ends up more or less accurate with certain loads, but has not really lost or gained any accuracy potential overall.
Most people (including me) won't notice, most of those who would or could notice, probably won't care, and most of those whose lives would be deeply affected by this sort of thing would likely be working with something different altogether.
Having your gun cut down and pinned and made that much more handier (I loves me 14.5"+vortex) is going to far outweigh any accuracy gained or lost.
I would ship the entire assembly, or at least all the parts that are going to need to be on there if the FH is getting permanently installed.