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Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 4/18/2007 2:35:48 PM EDT
Hi, I'm n00b to rifles, I just purchased my M4 and love shooting it, though, I've been searching for cheap .223 ammo to fire it, and the best I could find was .223 for $8 per 20rds.

SO, I'm wondering what's driving the ammo market so high?

War in Iraq?
increase in gun owners?
Limited ammo resources?
or just price gouging?

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 2:45:41 PM EDT
I don't know about the other influences you mentioned, but price gouging is the least likely. Gouging doesn't last very long if it does exist. Economics dictates that even during a period of high prices, someone in a competitive mood sells for just a little less. Then the next competitor sells for a little less than that. And the price pushes downward until it hits a narrow trading range that is reflective of the market's condition.

So whatever range we are in now, it must be natural for this market, based upon the other forces you mentioned.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 2:47:53 PM EDT
No one has mentioned the ammo goblin?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 2:49:48 PM EDT
Because nobody reads stickies!
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 2:50:42 PM EDT
Same reason everything else is WE ARE AT WAR!
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 2:51:45 PM EDT
Add increasing metals prices to your list.  The base metals markets have seen some pretty big increases in the prices for steel, copper, and lead.  The analysts I'm hearing from (I'm in the financial industry) are predicting increasing prices in these commodities as more "third world" countries try to modernize and urbanize.  Even if the war ends soon there will still be a market demand for the components that make up ammo that will keep the prices higher than "the good ole days."
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 2:55:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 3:39:59 PM EDT
Hurricane Katrina...no wait...uh...Democraps won the house and senate..nah...the Chinese!  Yeah that's it.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 4:06:06 PM EDT
Because some will buy it no matter the price
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 4:08:10 PM EDT
All of the reasons above are causing ammo to increase. Its not just China, the war, greed, or Politics. Every one of theses factors are hitting us at once. This is causing the shortage and raising prices.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 4:10:16 PM EDT
SAme reason as gas, copper pipe, lumber, etc.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 4:14:02 PM EDT
The orange crop suffered a late freeze, therefore ammo cost has risen.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 4:21:16 PM EDT
Why are grammar skills becoming so poor?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 4:32:41 PM EDT

Why are grammar skills becoming so poor?

Thats a good question.  Why is they?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 4:54:51 PM EDT

Why is ammo prices going up?

Are you kidding me?!

It's been up for over a year + now... where have you been?

Welcome to today.

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 5:01:44 PM EDT
Its all going to the war
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 5:04:20 PM EDT
It might also be that the dollar is worth less (and, perhaps, on it's way to worthless.)  Paje has an interesting thread comparing the price of ammo in dollars (rising) and gold (relatively stable).

The problem most of us face is not that there is no ammo but that our income in dollars is not increasing sufficiently to maintain our purchasing power as the dollar loses its value.  Thus we cannot buy the available ammo at the new, higher price.

So we bitch about high ammo prices rather than bitching about What Has Government Done to Our Money?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 5:23:23 PM EDT


Why are grammar skills becoming so poor?

Thats a good question.  Why is they?

I havnt notised.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 5:55:20 PM EDT
Dupe. http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=3&f=16&t=313837
Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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