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Page AR-15 » AR-15 / M-16 Retro Forum
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/3/2007 7:38:50 PM EDT
Looking for a mint condition A1 pistol grip.  I've seen lots of beat up stuff for sale, but I'm looking for an original new one.  Thanks.  
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 9:56:16 PM EDT
Specialized Armament

Brand spankin new
Link Posted: 1/4/2007 3:14:04 AM EDT
FYI even some of the new ones look like they have been in a rock tumbler!
Link Posted: 1/4/2007 3:53:14 AM EDT
Here's some in the EE......Tankerfrank ad

$10 to your door isn't bad. You'll need the screw and washer, but that can't cost much.

ETA.....Specialized Armament wants $25 each
Page AR-15 » AR-15 / M-16 Retro Forum
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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