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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/18/2009 7:30:30 PM EDT
I'm looking to buy couple of 100rds Beta mag w/ clear back and wondering who has them in stock and also has good price?

Is it possible to change the feed tower to use them on HK93? if so how much does it cost?
thanks in advance
Link Posted: 1/18/2009 7:38:31 PM EDT
Glock World has it for $299.95(?), I think.

Check out LaRue's (without the clear back) for a lot less.
Link Posted: 1/18/2009 7:41:20 PM EDT
44 MAG.com has them IN STOCK but they are 350

i got mine 3 days after i ordered it and i appreciate that.
Link Posted: 1/18/2009 8:33:48 PM EDT
I see those in stock EVERYWHERE.  One drop and its over...  I think i would rather have 25 good mags.
Link Posted: 1/18/2009 8:43:13 PM EDT
Can you say Pmag
Link Posted: 1/18/2009 9:01:41 PM EDT
P Mags suck. You can lose the cover. Not at the range either.
Link Posted: 1/18/2009 9:03:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/18/2009 10:01:35 PM EDT
Coolhand, I don't want to pee in your cornflakes, but ask yourself why no American military unit uses them. I'll spoil the surprise- testing and operational use showed they have serious reliability and durability issues. The Marines flat-out banned the things, I think.

Then ask yourself if you'd rather have ten or fifteen top-quality 30-rounders instead, while you can still get them.

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 10:10:03 AM EDT
I've seen Betas used in 3 Gun Competition all the time with no problems.

I can understand that they would not hold up to combat standards. So what?
For practical shooting competitions and having fun I don't see any problem with them...
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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