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Page AR-15 » Slings and Other Accessories
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/4/2003 11:15:10 AM EDT
I've been looking everywhere... locally, on the Internet, and I just can't find 'em!

Here's a picture of the sling I want to find.

These are the only two I have: I used to have dozens, but when I got divorced, I accidentally left a few ammo boxes in the garage that were holding them all.  Now, I can't seem to find any ANYWHERE!!!

Link Posted: 5/4/2003 11:19:30 AM EDT
I have been looking for this type of sling for over two years. I think that they are banned...

Seriously, I would like to find a couple.

Thanks, Rex

Link Posted: 5/6/2003 6:24:46 PM EDT
Edge & Rex,

Check out Charlie's Surplus Sales, Inc in Ada, Oklahoma.  Their phone number is 580-436-5540.  They are selling them new for $7.95 each.  I saw their ad in the Shotgun News.  They are black nylon instead of the green cotton like the old style was.  They do not have a website or e-mail address shown in their ad.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 6:46:14 PM EDT
Looks like a Rock River Arms CMP sling to me.


Without a doubt my sling of choice. Check with Pete-in-NH in the industry forums. He has them for something like $9.00.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 10:01:10 PM EDT
That Rock River CMP sling is EXACTLY it!

Funny thing: I just asked my best friend who is still in the Marines at Camp Pendleton about the slings they're using on the rifles (still), as I've been out now for five years.  He says it's still the same slings: no change has been made.  I wonder, then, why is it so hard to find those slings?  Why does everyone carry these "silent slings" that are reportedly US Military when the Marines aren't using them?  Perhaps it's an Army thing?
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 9:33:14 PM EDT
I bought one of their M16 slings at the Richmond show earlier in the spring.  Like an M14 sling, but new-style webbing, a little longer, and green.  
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 5:03:40 AM EDT
Thanks for the info guys...I really appreciate it!!

Thx, Rex
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:54:39 PM EDT
Have two of 'em, one each nylon and web, sitting in my closet.  $12 for the pair, post paid.  e mail me[:D]
Page AR-15 » Slings and Other Accessories
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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