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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/1/2004 1:12:51 AM EDT
My father bought a Bushmaster V-Match with a 20" bbl.  We really enjoy shooting it and can get nice groups out of it, but after shooting our Savage, the trigger on the Bushy seems horrendous.  I was wondering what the common opinion is of the best replacement trigger.  For the past eight months or so, I've been whippin out the old credit card really wanting to order a Rock River Arms match trigger, but then not knowing if that's what I want.  So if you guys could steer me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.  I figure the RRA trigger has to be better than what's on in the rifle now, but don't want to make a $120 mistake.

Also, I read somewhere about there being two different trigger pin sizes.  Any info on that subject would be helpful too.  Thanks.
Link Posted: 5/1/2004 6:21:53 AM EDT
The consensus is that you can't beat the Knights Armament 2-stage trigger and that Accuracy Speaks provide a very good one-stage. The second choice seems to be the WOA tuned RRA 2-stage trigger (from ADCO).
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 9:09:35 AM EDT
I have a factory RRA two-stage trigger and it is AWESOME! They are a bit heavy at first but put 50 round through the gun to break it in and its great. I guess the first stage is maybe 3-3.5 lbs and it has to break at 2 lbs or less. I took the upper off one day and just held my hand over the hammer (didn't push down on...only stopped it from slamming into the front of the magwell). I must have dry fired that gun over 50 times and couldn't find ANY creep what so ever. It breaks like a glass rod. Oh talk to Pete at Legal Transfers to pick one up a bit cheaper than $120: http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=7&f=22&t=196853
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 9:17:40 AM EDT
I prefer single-stage... JP works great. For a SHTF rifle, though, I'd recommend sticking with the stock trigger - it goes bang everytime.
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 7:58:27 PM EDT

I prefer single-stage... JP works great. For a SHTF rifle, though, I'd recommend sticking with the stock trigger - it goes bang everytime.

If I ever had to use my gun in a SHTF scenerio, my trigger would be the last thing on my mind
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 8:16:11 PM EDT
just plain ol' stock milspec trigger
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 8:16:38 PM EDT
I have a Kac 2 stage, a WOA RRA 2 stage , a (I think it is a Milazzo?) 2 stage. and a RRA 2 stage. The KAC is by far the best feeling out of the four I have!!! Then the Milazzo, WOA RRA, and finally the RRA 2 stage!

Link Posted: 5/2/2004 8:47:06 PM EDT
KAC 2-stage, no question in my mind.
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 9:49:22 PM EDT
Accuracy Speaks single stage.
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 10:17:01 PM EDT
While the consensus is everyone has their own opinion, I will toss my vote as well for KAC 2-stage as best in my experience, Accuracy Speaks for single stage, and a Holliger tuned RRA for the budget minded.  However, that's not to say a Jewell or a JP 2-stage aren't swell - they are, and you would do well to have one.  Then there's those that just clean up the stock trigger and are satisfied.  Most come in both pin sizes (except the KAC unfortunately).  I would rather have a Holliger tuned RRA rather than the Bushmaster, Armalite, or Compass Lake match triggers but that is a personal opinion.

I recommend you try the 15 minute trigger job and see if you can clean up your trigger, or go for the Holliger tuned RRA (though the regular RRA 2-stage match is nice, the Holliger tuned unit is better and costs only a bit more) from ADCO.

After your Savage, you may not be satisfied with anything less than the best though, which will cost your double the RRA or more.  Drop in the KAC and be prepared for instant satisfaction.
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 10:21:29 PM EDT
The JARD single stage triggers are VERY nice.  Not cheap, but nice.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 1:11:47 PM EDT
Anyone can give any answer they like, but the only correct answer is the Knights 2 stage trigger.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 2:06:14 PM EDT

The JARD single stage triggers are VERY nice.  Not cheap, but nice.


I don't think you can beat the JARD trigger.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 3:03:16 PM EDT

Anyone can give any answer they like, but the only correct answer is the Knights 2 stage trigger.

Yep, although AK_Mike outlined the only acceptable alternatives
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 6:11:42 AM EDT
I think I may spend the money then and get the KAC 2-stage.  It's technically the old man's rifle and Lord knows he's done enough for me that I can shell out the extra cash to make him as happy as possible.   Thanks for all the replies.

I prefer single-stage... JP works great. For a SHTF rifle, though, I'd recommend sticking with the stock trigger - it goes bang everytime.

We've got SHTF covered.  This is a just-for-fun rifle.  Your advice is appreciated though.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 6:30:33 AM EDT

just plain ol' stock milspec trigger

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 6:34:50 AM EDT
For pinking rifle: stock trigger w/ this www.geocities.com/molonlaberkba/triggerjob.html

For Accuracy/SHTF rifle: RRA 2 stage or KAC

For Competition rifle: Jewell 2-stage

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:37:07 AM EDT
What ever trigger you might put in your gun just make sure it is reliable.  I like the factory hard as nail trigger because under stress that hard as nail trigger feels like a hair trigger to me.

If you absolutely have to have a match trigger, I go with the single stage Accuracy Speak.  I have two on my guns.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:43:26 AM EDT
Another vote for Accuracy Speaks. I recently put one in my rifle and it is outstanding. Plus their customer service is second to none.

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 9:15:12 AM EDT

a Holliger tuned RRA for the budget minded.

I don't know how much the other brands improve on it.  I'm very happy with the one I have.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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