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Page AR-15 » Rimfire and Pistol Calibers
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 4/26/2004 10:22:29 PM EDT
I was given some mags, and thought they were 32 round UZI. Alas, they are different than the 32 uzi mags I already have. Here is my best comparison and description.
Other OD WIDTH .827"

UZI Front to rear OD 1.325"
Other Front to rear 1.333"

Uzi width between feed lips .502"
Other width between feed lips .346"

Other misc notes and details:
Floor plates are different sized, but look very very similar
Overall length is just slightly longer on the "other" mag
UZI mag hhold top round to one side, while other mag hholds top round centered
Other mag has two vertical grooves stamped into each side, near feed lips
Follower on other mag is bronze/brass in color
Other mag has spot welded seam on back
Other mag has small stamped mag catch on rear seam, .780" from top of feed lips

Thanks for your help
Link Posted: 4/27/2004 5:50:15 AM EDT
Do they look like this?

Link Posted: 4/27/2004 8:08:34 AM EDT
I wish I had a digital camera so I could take a pic for you. The mags I have don't have the extra layer of metal near the top, like the one in your pic, Also, they have 2 vertical grooves, or ribs, stamped inward, near the top. Any guesses?
Thanks Much
Link Posted: 4/27/2004 9:02:10 AM EDT
Do they taper to single stack feed at the top?  I might have a guess if they do...
Link Posted: 4/27/2004 3:56:57 PM EDT
they taper to a single stack, starting about .600" from the top of the feed lips, below that, they are double stack.
Thanks Much
Link Posted: 4/27/2004 7:49:53 PM EDT
I was thinking the same as you DAWG.....South african!  but he says that they have two vertical grooves on EACH side,..The SA's only have them on one side.....UDOG
Link Posted: 4/29/2004 4:42:48 AM EDT

Other mag has two vertical grooves stamped into each side, near feed lips
Follower on other mag is bronze/brass in color
Other mag has spot welded seam on back
Other mag has small stamped mag catch on rear seam, .780" from top of feed lips

What is the shape of the follower?  Is it sort-of flat, or does it go deeper into the magazine--like a STEN would?

About the mag catch: is it like a little nipple sticking out, or is it more like a groove sticking in?

At the very top of the mag--from a rear view--right where the top round sits: is it scalloped down to allow a bolt to strip the round easier, or is it straight across and about half the round sticks up above that?

Link Posted: 5/5/2004 6:19:11 AM EDT
Page AR-15 » Rimfire and Pistol Calibers
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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