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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 11/29/2014 1:41:42 AM EDT
I am looking for an AR trigger that can simulate the standard trigger pull of an M14 rifle.   Anyone shot any of the two stage triggers that feels like this?  I know the Mil spec is no less thant 5.5 lbs and no greater than 7.5 libs on the M14.  But I would like a two stage that is the same to use in an AR-10 rifle.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 3:05:20 AM EDT
Geissele SSA or Geissele G2S

Their pulls will be from 4.5 to 5.0 lbs.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 3:16:30 AM EDT
No offense intended at all.... but why do you want a trigger that feels like a standard M14 trigger ?

Given the differences in grips, one a traditional rifle grip and the other a pistol grip... you might be chasing your own tail.

What are your preferences in a trigger pull ? Watch this video and maybe it will help you with your choice.

At approximately 6 mins into the video is when you need to pay attention... prior to that the video is excellent , but more historical in nature.


Link Posted: 11/29/2014 10:15:55 AM EDT
No offense taken

The reason I want a trigger like a standard M14 is because that is what I am used to shooting and what I shoot best. I don't really like light triggers. I am used to a decent amount of slack to have to take up before the trigger break occurs.  I tried a rock river trigger once in a friends AR and it felt decent.

Thanks the video is very informative.

Link Posted: 11/29/2014 11:02:22 AM EDT
The SSA Geissele trigger pull is much lighter than the M1A trigger pull. The ALG (Geissele's wife's initials iirc) trigger is much closer to the M1A trigger.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 11:13:12 AM EDT
Armalite National Match
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 11:43:03 AM EDT
You want a 2-stage trigger with a pull on the heavier side.  Looks like the Geiselle G2S is pretty close.  It has a 4.5 lb. pull.  Primary Arms has them on sale right now.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 12:26:30 PM EDT
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The SSA Geissele trigger pull is much lighter than the M1A trigger pull. The ALG (Geissele's wife's initials iirc) trigger is much closer to the M1A trigger.
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Both the ACT and the QMT are single stage triggers.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 12:30:43 PM EDT
If you want a 2 stage with a long first stage, check out the LMT
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 4:29:32 PM EDT
The SSA is similar enough I do not have a problem transitioning back and forth.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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