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AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 12/17/2010 6:41:12 AM EDT
I'm making my latest build to have a 20" barrel. What twist to get? What brand? Is there a quality mid-priced? Your opinions are welcome

Link Posted: 12/17/2010 6:46:23 AM EDT
Chrome lined or stainless? What profile?
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 6:50:16 AM EDT
Don't really know what your plans are with it, but as you asked about a mid-priced one, my guess is match ones are out.

I've had good luck with FN made gov't profile barrels I've gotten from Landman on gunbroker, and I think he has them on the ee here as well. 20'', chrome lined, and mine looked almost new and had bright shiny bores. They cost 150.
PK sells a Bushmaster barrel for 250, and I have one as well.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 6:53:07 AM EDT
I got my FN 20" from landman on gunbroker. I'm very happy with it.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 6:57:56 AM EDT
Colt, FN, Sabre Defence, BCM

You can find new surplus A2 barrels for cheap. You don't need to have an F marked FSB on a flat top rifle but it is better to have.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 6:58:15 AM EDT
Don't really know what your plans are with it, but as you asked about a mid-priced one, my guess is match ones are out.

I've had good luck with FN made gov't profile barrels I've gotten from Landman on gunbroker, and I think he has them on the ee here as well. 20'', chrome lined, and mine looked almost new and had bright shiny bores. They cost 150.
PK sells a Bushmaster barrel for 250, and I have one as well.

I do want chrome-lined and gov't profile is fine. I will check out Landman thanks.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 7:00:13 AM EDT
You need to tell us what you want to do with it. A barrel for a rifle that will be carried a lot will be very different from a benchrest tack driving application.

I just built a 3-gun rifle with a RRA 20" stainless match barrel. These are Wilson barrels, which I have had good luck with; it has a heavy (HBAR) profile and a Wylde chamber, and the price is very reasonable. My example shoots about 1MOA at 200 yards with a 69gr SMK load that I have made no effort to optimize. It is heavy enough to dampen recoil and hold zero on high round count stages, but still transitions quickly. I would not want to hump it over rough terrain though.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 7:15:22 AM EDT
You need to tell us what you want to do with it. A barrel for a rifle that will be carried a lot will be very different from a benchrest tack driving application.

I just built a 3-gun rifle with a RRA 20" stainless match barrel. These are Wilson barrels, which I have had good luck with; it has a heavy (HBAR) profile and a Wylde chamber, and the price is very reasonable. My example shoots about 1MOA at 200 yards with a 69gr SMK load that I have made no effort to optimize. It is heavy enough to dampen recoil and hold zero on high round count stages, but still transitions quickly. I would not want to hump it over rough terrain though.

I want it for occasional hog hunting, bench shooting. Not expecting to use it for combat any time soon. Want a more accurate rifle than my M4forgery with a 16" Delton chrome lined (though this one is accurate enough).

Link Posted: 12/17/2010 7:41:02 AM EDT
[span style='font-weight: bold;']I want it for occasional hog hunting, bench shooting. Not expecting to use it for combat any time soon. Want a more accurate rifle than my M4forgery with a 16" Delton chrome lined (though this one is accurate enough).

Are  you using any optics?

If so

Have you tried switching optics?

Example....red dot to a magnified.

Link Posted: 12/17/2010 7:47:48 AM EDT
Hunting, Bench etc..I would easlily pick an Olympic Arms barrel.  Oly is widely known for producing among the most accurate barrels you can buy.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 8:18:02 AM EDT
I have found the 1/7 20" A2 profile barrels from Bushmaster to be quite accurate.  They have a forged FSB, are chrome lined, are made of 4150 steel, etc.  They are not always available (their usual barrels are 1/9); I'd call Bushmaster to see if they have any in stock.  The price is very quite reasonable compared to other brands.

The longer barrel is not going to make it any more accurate than a carbine.  In my experience, 16" M4 carbines are in fact slightly more accurate than 20" A4 rifles.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 8:24:50 AM EDT
Thanks for all the helpful info! I love this place
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 8:27:13 AM EDT
Hunting, Bench etc..I would easlily pick an Olympic Arms barrel.  Oly is widely known for producing among the most accurate barrels you can buy.

ORLY? (Seriously, Im curious about this cause ive heard the opposite. I know theyre decent quality but to claim that they are 'among the most accurate" might be a stretch)
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 8:47:09 AM EDT
Hunting, Bench etc..I would easlily pick an Olympic Arms barrel.  Oly is widely known for producing among the most accurate barrels you can buy.

ORLY? (Seriously, Im curious about this cause ive heard the opposite. I know theyre decent quality but to claim that they are 'among the most accurate" might be a stretch)

One thing Oly does right is barrels.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 9:16:48 AM EDT
Hunting, Bench etc..I would easlily pick an Olympic Arms barrel.  Oly is widely known for producing among the most accurate barrels you can buy.

ORLY? (Seriously, Im curious about this cause ive heard the opposite. I know theyre decent quality but to claim that they are 'among the most accurate" might be a stretch)

In the competition community Olympic barrels are highly respected..lots of bad and dated info out there about Oly.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 12:17:36 PM EDT
If you would like to go hunting and bench then go with a 20" SS HBAR 1/8.  I order my from Surplus_Ammo_Arms on EE, saved a lot of money and very happy.  So happy I bought another one from the manufacturer just like it. black hole weaponry hope this helps.

Link Posted: 12/17/2010 12:26:55 PM EDT
I have found the 1/7 20" A2 profile barrels from Bushmaster to be quite accurate.  They have a forged FSB, are chrome lined, are made of 4150 steel, etc.  They are not always available (their usual barrels are 1/9); I'd call Bushmaster to see if they have any in stock.  The price is very quite reasonable compared to other brands.

Thats the one PK sells. Click above. Good barrel.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 12:34:33 PM EDT
Hunting, Bench etc..I would easlily pick an Olympic Arms barrel.  Oly is widely known for producing among the most accurate barrels you can buy.

ORLY? (Seriously, Im curious about this cause ive heard the opposite. I know theyre decent quality but to claim that they are 'among the most accurate" might be a stretch)

It's true, Oly may have shipped some substandard parts in the past, but they make some great barrels and are well respected for them.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 12:47:32 PM EDT
The most accurate 20" barrels I have ever shot have been FN's. Landman has some dated 5/03 NOS FN barrels he just listed in the EE for $179 shipped via USPS Priority Mail and insured. I have purchased from him before and he is the best. I just bought one from him within the last 10 minutes and am very happy to get a NOS FN 1/7 chromed lined 20" barrel with FSB and barrel nut for that price. You can pay more for less other places and here on the EE as well, but you could not get any better.
This barrel is going into an A2 I am building as a gift for a Vet who recently returned from Afganistan. He saw another A2 I had built and expressed a real desire to have one like it. I am looking for parts everyday in the EE and I am sure when it is finally finished and presented to him he will be VERY pleased. I had hoped to get an FN barrel for his A2 because of the accuracy I have always gotten from FN barrels. I am pleased and he will be as well.
It really won't be an A2 because he said he wants an A2 but wanys something that would allow him to mount a scope sometime later. I have asked some discreet questions and determined he would prefer a flattop with a carry handle over an A2 with a scope mount on top. I picked up a carry handle a couple of days ago, now this great NOS FN barrel from Landman. I have an extra set of handguards, grip and a buttstock. I am actively looking for a used or blem A3 upper with no M4 cuts but they are hard to find and I have missed the last 2 I have seen.....<><....:)
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 2:21:58 PM EDT
BCM is my vote.

Link Posted: 12/17/2010 2:31:13 PM EDT


BCM is my vote.

same here
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 3:42:12 PM EDT
Sabre defence barrels are the cat's meow
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 3:44:48 PM EDT
I have the SS BCM.  1/8 twist.  I'm pretty impressed.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 3:55:31 PM EDT
White Oak Armament, I like 1-8 for no real reason.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 4:09:40 PM EDT
Hunting, Bench etc..I would easlily pick an Olympic Arms barrel.  Oly is widely known for producing among the most accurate barrels you can buy.

ORLY? (Seriously, Im curious about this cause ive heard the opposite. I know theyre decent quality but to claim that they are 'among the most accurate" might be a stretch)

In the competition community Olympic barrels are highly respected..lots of bad and dated info out there about Oly.

Ahh cool, learn something new everyday. Now is that in reference to their barrels in general or just their 20" and match barrels
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 5:43:05 PM EDT
Hunting, Bench etc..I would easlily pick an Olympic Arms barrel.  Oly is widely known for producing among the most accurate barrels you can buy.

ORLY? (Seriously, Im curious about this cause ive heard the opposite. I know theyre decent quality but to claim that they are 'among the most accurate" might be a stretch)

In the competition community Olympic barrels are highly respected..lots of bad and dated info out there about Oly.

Ahh cool, learn something new everyday. Now is that in reference to their barrels in general or just their 20" and match barrels

I think ALL their barrels....I have 7 and all are extremely accurate..the most accurate AR's I have in fact.  Oly knows barrels and that is hard to dispute, even on arfcom.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 7:45:41 PM EDT
I just recently bought a 20" chromelined govt profile from CMMG. It has a 1-7" twist. I've fired nothing but 77 grain Sierra's through it. Couldn't be happier with the accuracy.
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 4:14:38 AM EDT
I would go Sabre or Lothar Walther. 1-7 or 1-8.. That being said I have 2 current SPR's that are 1-9 that are really nice. Its just now (at least for me) that the heavy bullets both loaded ammo and bullets themselves are abundantly available. So any further purchases for me would also be in the 1-7 / 1-8.
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 5:03:25 PM EDT
How do I get a hold of Landman without Gunbroker? Thanks.
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 5:11:13 PM EDT
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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