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Posted: 1/2/2007 5:50:53 PM EDT
What are your opinions? Is the lower made of plastic/polymer? I have a friend who might be getting one and want to give some insight on the quality. Thanks.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 5:56:50 PM EDT
Do you by chance mean VULCAN? I was not aware Vector made an AR15.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 9:59:13 PM EDT
Yes, I meant Vulcan. What are your opinions?
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 10:14:45 PM EDT
vulcan = hesse.  rumor has it they changed names simply to escape their reputation for sub-par quality.  new name, same old shit.  and when i say shit, i mean shit.

run away and never look back.

Link Posted: 1/2/2007 11:02:03 PM EDT
I just read a few other posts on other forums I found using Google and found the samething. What I also find funny is that Vulcan's website isn't working properly. It may be due to maintenance or there must be quite a few special forces members trying to get a superior rifle! LOL!
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 9:45:06 AM EDT
Vulcan=crap.You may get a decent product from them here and there but it's rare.They also have horrible customer service.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 1:35:09 PM EDT
Vulcan, the God of Fire and steel, Guns of the special forces!

Link Posted: 1/4/2007 10:37:28 AM EDT
My Hesse/Vulcan AR plastic receiver (stamped HAR-15) developed serious slop in the hole for the buffer retaining pin. To the point that after a single shot, the recoiling buffer in the tube would propel the retainer into the inner workings of the action, jamming it up.

I finally moved the functional upper to a Stag lower I put together. I put a CZ V22 dedicated .22LR upper on the Hesse/Vulcan plastic receiver to avoid having to junk it all together. The V22 doesn't really need the buffer.... I may someday drill out the hole and sleeve it with a metal sleeve to hold the buffer retainer properly. I hate not being able to put a regular upper on it.
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