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Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/10/2003 1:29:55 PM EDT
I know there's a gazillion posts on this but I searched the past 30 days and found no conclusive procedure.

Building a model one 16"hbar kit next week (ordered wed nite, shipped thurs am) and want to know the best way to braek in a chrome-moly unlined barrel?
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 4:25:12 PM EDT
Clean the rifle at home. Take it to the range, and fire a few rounds, clean.  A few more, clean, a few more, clean.  Heck, that's enough fooling around... fire it until you run out of ammo, and clean it at home.  It's broke in.


Naw... tell you what I REALLY did with my kit from J&T (Shaw bbl):  I ran a brush thru it at home about 5 strokes, then a couple of patches.  Left the cleaning kit at home and went to the range, plugged in a USGI 30 rnd mag, and blasted 30 rnds through it.  Cool, it ran thru all 30 rnds without a hickup.  Let it cool a few minutes, plugged in another mag, and did the same thing.  Again, no malfunction.  Ok, that was broke in enough for me.  I sighted it in, and then finished off another few mags, shooting more slowly.  It's run just fine ever since.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 7:45:13 PM EDT
You know, I've been shooting ARs and M16s for over 25 years, and I never even heard of "barrel break in" until I got to this web site.  I don't know who started this fantasy; maybe some substandard barrel maker who wants the shooter to smooth out the rough spots in his poorly finished pieces by "lapping them with bullets";  but basically it's a crock.

Hell, you'll put more wear on a barrel by overcleaning it than you will by shooting it.  Me, I run a wet patch once each way, and then two or three dry patches after every fourth or fifth trip to the range---when it crosses my mind[:D]
Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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