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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/27/2009 8:03:32 AM EDT
I'm new to the specifics of AR design, so please forgive me if I ask any stupid questions here:

I've read that not having a chrome lining limits the amount of rapid fire an AR barrel is able to handle without damage.  Will the WASP lined barrels hold up well through sustained rapid fire (say for example supressing and covering fire drills; maybe buring through 2 or 3 25 round mags in a row; followed by CQB drills and/or long range shooting)?  Also, was the breach on the WASP barrels lined as well?
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 8:03:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 8:20:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 8:49:21 AM EDT
thanks, sorry for posting in the wrong place
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 8:49:49 AM EDT
wasp is some crap CMMG came out with. I dont think its all that great compaired to chrome but I'm into the milspec stuff and will replace what wears out anyway. to tell you the truth the chrome lined ones will hold up fine for as long as you describe. now doing full auto dumps untill the handguards are too hot to touch will definatly cause hte chrome to flake or peel in a few sessions if not one. But I've only seen that in the military because no one cares about the armys stuff like thier own.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 9:01:18 AM EDT
I'm new to the specifics of AR design, so please forgive me if I ask any stupid questions here:

I've read that not having a chrome lining limits the amount of rapid fire an AR barrel is able to handle without damage.  Will the WASP lined barrels hold up well through sustained rapid fire (say for example supressing and covering fire drills; maybe buring through 2 or 3 25 round mags in a row; followed by CQB drills and/or long range shooting)?  Also, was the breach on the WASP barrels lined as well?

I don't know. I've never seen a WASP barrel or shot one. I've not read any reports on sustained heavy use and WASP.

Hardchrome is a known process and people have been using it since the end of WWII in rifle barrels. I seem to recall that the Sov used hardchromed barrels for subguns during the war, but I may be mistaken on that. BSW
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 9:31:37 AM EDT
wasp is some crap CMMG came out with. I dont think its all that great compaired to chrome but I'm into the milspec stuff and will replace what wears out anyway. to tell you the truth the chrome lined ones will hold up fine for as long as you describe. now doing full auto dumps untill the handguards are too hot to touch will definatly cause hte chrome to flake or peel in a few sessions if not one. But I've only seen that in the military because no one cares about the armys stuff like thier own.

Do you own a CMMG WASP barrel?  I am curious as to whether your comment is purely speculative Internet BS with nothing to back it up, or if you have had some problems with the coating.  I do have one of these barrels.  I honestly think this coating is probably more marketing than substance (or else it would be on all their barrels vs. just the "economy" line), but I have yet to have any problems with it.  Just my thoughts.

ETA:  I have not had any "full auto dumps" through the barrel.

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 9:38:44 AM EDT
WASP=Weapons Armored Surface Proctant (or protection).  It is a proprietary finish that CMMG was putting on rifles made for the RSR group (according to CMMG).  It is billed as an alternative for chrome lining, and supposedly is harder than chrome lining (again, according to CMMG).  I haven't been able to find a whole lot of outside information on WASP, but I would like to know more about it since I have one of their bargain bin AR's with WASP.   I've read posts on other forums saying that it is good.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 9:49:01 AM EDT
WASP=Weapons Armored Surface Proctant (or protection).  It is a proprietary finish that CMMG was putting on rifles made for the RSR group (according to CMMG).  It is billed as an alternative for chrome lining, and supposedly is harder than chrome lining (again, according to CMMG).  I haven't been able to find a whole lot of outside information on WASP, but I would like to know more about it since I have one of their bargain bin AR's with WASP.   I've read posts on other forums saying that it is good.

Like I said, if it was (according to CMMG) better than CL, why not utilize it on their "top-line" models?  I am not saying it's better or worse––just pointing out inconsistencies...

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 10:12:39 AM EDT
WASP=Weapons Armored Surface Proctant (or protection).  It is a proprietary finish that CMMG was putting on rifles made for the RSR group (according to CMMG).  It is billed as an alternative for chrome lining, and supposedly is harder than chrome lining (again, according to CMMG).  I haven't been able to find a whole lot of outside information on WASP, but I would like to know more about it since I have one of their bargain bin AR's with WASP.   I've read posts on other forums saying that it is good.

Like I said, if it was (according to CMMG) better than CL, why not utilize it on their "top-line" models?  I am not saying it's better or worse––just pointing out inconsistencies...

I agree. I'd like to see what CMMG says, and also if there are any solid reviews of the WASP barrels.  In CMMG's defense CL is proven and marketable; especially since most prefer the milspc designs.  Perhaps they've chosen to market their weapons with CL unit WASP makes a name for itself.  If so I wonder why we don't see more about it.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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