I finally got my case today. Keislers screwed up and sent a 160 rd box of ADI .308 the first time. I called them and they were nice about it. Sent the M855 w/free shipping and I kept the .308. I had some empty stripper clips and bandoleers that needed filling anyway, so there you go.
The M855 came packed loose in a plastic bag inside a cardboard box. It passes the magnet test so the steel core is there. Brass looks better than most LC I've seen. Obviously not polished, but not a significant amount of dents. No sealer or green tip. Most is stamped '01, but a lot of '02 and '03 mixed in, all with NATO stamp.
My Kimber should be here Friday so I'll try to head to OK this weekend to break that in. I'll take the AR and dump a couple mags of this stuff and let y'all know how it shoots.