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Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 7/23/2010 2:59:20 AM EDT
I had a chance to look thru an [genuine] Eotech 512 last night and was very disappointed, TO MY 62 YEAR OLD EYES it looked fuzzy,and further more that is the biggest 1moa dot i have ever seen. It was not a perfect circle, Am i missing something? Did i do somethinh wrong?, Is this the way they all appear? Again to all you Eotech owners sorry, but thats the way i saw it, pghrich.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:09:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:12:31 AM EDT
Optics like everything else are a personal preference
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:17:05 AM EDT
+1 on turning the intensity down.

Also you're missing the point of the sight entirely.  Teh EOTECH is a rapid engagement close quarter sight.  It does not  suffer the limitations of a precision scope of eye relief or correct head position.  The idea is see the dot any where in the sight squeeze and that is where the bullet impacts.  The center dot is to help with longer range engagement, but that is not the primary role of the sight.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:21:33 AM EDT

Turn the reticle down and focus on the target.

I certainly don't want this to turn into a Eotech vs. Aimpoint but I've seen plenty of Aimpoint dots that appear to be stars.  Our eyes are goofy sometimes.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:53:08 AM EDT

don't look AT the reticle, look THROUGH it.

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 4:05:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 4:39:30 AM EDT
More then likely you have an astigmatism.

Good bet.

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 4:53:48 AM EDT
I was having the same problem ... my son could shoot just fine with my Eotech but I couldn't hardly hit the broad side of a barn with it at any distance ... I just couldn't get focused on the reticle no matter where I mounted it. I haven't been to the eye doctor yet but I see something coming in my near future ... now if I just had some glasses to see what the hell it was.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:04:50 AM EDT
Nothing wrong with your EO, you just have to train yourself to use it.  All the above advice is correct.  Look THROUGH the reticle and focus on the target.  When I bought my first one (of many), I stood in the store for a half-hour and thought WTF, then I got it.  It's like looking at those 3D or "hidden images" paintings.  You can stare at them for days, then all of a sudden it appears.  You just have to "train your brain".

Turning down the intensity will make a BIG difference on the EO's.  It's real easy to fuzzy-up a tiny, 1MOA dot.  I don't know if it's the intensity of the laser or holographic effect, but it's definitely different than a LED and a mirror.

Astigmatism will definitely affect what you see, too.  Some sights affect different people, well, differently.

Once you get the hang of it, they become very intuative and fast.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:17:53 AM EDT
Eotech has a 1 moa dot with a 65 moa dot around it. If you have astimatism, it can look distorted.
I have used Aimpoint and Eotech on the E.R.T. I find the Eotech to be quicker and the 1 moa dot gives better precision shots.
However, the Eotech cannot come close to the Aimpoint in battery life and durability in my opinion.
I never had a problem with my 511 or 512. But battery life isn't great and I have had it go down during training.
I personally prefer the field of view from the Eotech. I will have another.
On the "fuzzy" aspect. Yes, you should not focus on the recticle. But I've seen several over the years. Some are definetly fuzzier than others.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:41:27 AM EDT
More then likely you have an astigmatism.

Good bet.

Yup. No big deal. When I first got my Aimpoint it was a red hot spec, the next morning it looked like a figure eight and I thought I had gotten a faulty unit. I found the more I focused on it in days to follow it dissapeared so the eye
must adjust some when put to the task.

I wouldn't use any sight system that required looking past it an focusing on the target, a fundemental wrong habit
when using iron sights or a scope when precision shooting.
Having said that a red dot is for fast target aquisition and with both eyes open or weak eye half closed you should
see the target and red dot splotch equally.    

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:47:18 AM EDT
Clean the glass. Blow it off with a can of compressed air. Wipe it down. Turn down the brightness with the down arrow botton... and do not try and use it like a scope... Also, try one with a flip to the side magnifier x3 or x4
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 6:45:53 AM EDT
Thank You All for all the kind comments, i was looking thru it like i would a scope [old habits are hard to break] next time i try it i will use all the suggestions stated above. pghrich
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 7:03:04 AM EDT
You think your disappointed now be one of us unlucky souls to get a troublesome AA mdl and you will be even more disappointed

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 7:56:55 AM EDT
More then likely you have an astigmatism.

Good bet.

Yup. No big deal. When I first got my Aimpoint it was a red hot spec, the next morning it looked like a figure eight and I thought I had gotten a faulty unit. I found the more I focused on it in days to follow it dissapeared so the eye
must adjust some when put to the task.

I wouldn't use any sight system that required looking past it an focusing on the target, a fundemental wrong habit
when using iron sights or a scope when precision shooting.

Having said that a red dot is for fast target aquisition and with both eyes open or weak eye half closed you should
see the target and red dot splotch equally.    

I thought that looking at the target was the point of all red dot sights, that is how you get the speed.
Some manufacturers have even made up a name for it, e.g.  BAC.

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 8:14:41 AM EDT
More then likely you have an astigmatism.

Good bet.

Yup. No big deal. When I first got my Aimpoint it was a red hot spec, the next morning it looked like a figure eight and I thought I had gotten a faulty unit. I found the more I focused on it in days to follow it dissapeared so the eye
must adjust some when put to the task.

I wouldn't use any sight system that required looking past it an focusing on the target, a fundemental wrong habit
when using iron sights or a scope when precision shooting.

Having said that a red dot is for fast target aquisition and with both eyes open or weak eye half closed you should
see the target and red dot splotch equally.    

I thought that looking at the target was the point of all red dot sights, that is how you get the speed.
Some manufacturers have even made up a name for it, e.g.  BAC.

That was also my understanding.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 8:16:12 AM EDT
the dot will only look as clear as your eyes are good. for example if you wear glasses and try looking at the dot itll be fuzzy no matter how far or close  you are to the eotech. when i wear my glasses the dot is pretty clear, but when i wear my contacts the dot is super crisp. So if you have bad eyes the dot will not look clear. its not the same as being near sighted and being able to read when the book is close to your face. how clear the dot is is dependent on how good the eye is that is looking at it.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 8:21:46 AM EDT
I have an astigmatism and even some retinal detachment from some head trauma long ago.  I am just learning this about the red dot sights.  Do ACOGs suffer this same setback?  I do pretty well through a traditional scope.  Thanks in advance and my apologies to the OP for a slight hijack!
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 8:24:06 AM EDT

don't look AT the reticle, look THROUGH it.

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 8:53:02 AM EDT
I have an astigmatism and even some retinal detachment from some head trauma long ago.  I am just learning this about the red dot sights.  Do ACOGs suffer this same setback?  I do pretty well through a traditional scope.  Thanks in advance and my apologies to the OP for a slight hijack!

Yes, from my past experience ACOG's will also look terrible if you have astigmatism. With contacts I can use my 2moa aimpoint fine, but without....not a chance.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 8:59:55 AM EDT
Wow, thanks SO much for the heads up!  I only wear glasses, never contacts, so you just saved me some serious cash and frustration on optics.  Looks like the new Nikon AR scope is in my future.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 9:03:09 AM EDT
More then likely you have an astigmatism.

Good bet.

Yup. No big deal. When I first got my Aimpoint it was a red hot spec, the next morning it looked like a figure eight and I thought I had gotten a faulty unit. I found the more I focused on it in days to follow it dissapeared so the eye
must adjust some when put to the task.

I wouldn't use any sight system that required looking past it an focusing on the target, a fundemental wrong habit
when using iron sights or a scope when precision shooting.

Having said that a red dot is for fast target aquisition and with both eyes open or weak eye half closed you should
see the target and red dot splotch equally.    

I thought that looking at the target was the point of all red dot sights, that is how you get the speed.
Some manufacturers have even made up a name for it, e.g.  BAC.

That was also my understanding.

My undertsanding of Bindon is superimposing an occluded or otherwise unusable illuminated reticle upon a target using both eyes. It aint for speed.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 9:16:18 AM EDT
You can try turning it down, or just not use it. I can't stand the eotech's. Just personal pref.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 9:30:12 AM EDT
+1 to all the advice so far.

To understand what's happening, (aside from astigmatism problems)  the dot and circle/cross is a hologram that is projected to have a focal plane/perspective of several yards out in front of the rifle.  So when you focus on the target, the hologram is in focus as well.  

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 9:34:55 AM EDT
This reminds me of the "talk me into an ACOG" thread.

I don't want to talk you into anything, I'm not a salesman.

If you don't care for it, or it doesn't work for you, don't buy it or sell the one you got.

Eotech works for me, I guess it's not for you.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 9:51:39 AM EDT
Yes, from my past experience ACOG's/redot's will also look terrible if you have astigmatism

Is this with or without glasses? I have a bad astigmatism & bad eyes & wear glasses 24/7. I can't see much without my glasses. But I seem to be ok with redot's with my glasses on.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 10:35:46 AM EDT
More then likely you have an astigmatism.

Good bet.

Yup. No big deal. When I first got my Aimpoint it was a red hot spec, the next morning it looked like a figure eight and I thought I had gotten a faulty unit. I found the more I focused on it in days to follow it dissapeared so the eye
must adjust some when put to the task.

I wouldn't use any sight system that required looking past it an focusing on the target, a fundemental wrong habit
when using iron sights or a scope when precision shooting.

Having said that a red dot is for fast target aquisition and with both eyes open or weak eye half closed you should
see the target and red dot splotch equally.    

I thought that looking at the target was the point of all red dot sights, that is how you get the speed.
Some manufacturers have even made up a name for it, e.g.  BAC.

That was also my understanding.

My undertsanding of Bindon is superimposing an occluded or otherwise unusable illuminated reticle upon a target using both eyes. It aint for speed.

That's what I thought, too but apparently that's not what it is.  Maybe if Molon is reading this he can explain it to us again.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 10:53:58 AM EDT
I had a chance to look thru an [genuine] Eotech 512 last night and was very disappointed, TO MY 62 YEAR OLD EYES it looked fuzzy,and further more that is the biggest 1moa dot i have ever seen. It was not a perfect circle, Am i missing something? Did i do somethinh wrong?, Is this the way they all appear? Again to all you Eotech owners sorry, but thats the way i saw it, pghrich.

More then likely you have an astigmatism. I do, and I'm only in my fifties. A lot of people do. Do you wear glasses?



Im 45yr young  with  astigmatism

My First  Aimpoint XD model with 3moa dot  Looked crooked
Told it was my EYES!!
Got pissed at first.
Found Out The Aimpoint Guy was RIGHT!!!

Traded The Aiompoint XD for the New at the Time Aimpoint ML2 4moa dot in 2001

For some strange reason I SEE THE 4MOA DOT PERFECT??  wierd

Also Have EOTECH 551F with 1MOA DOT w/ circle  I see it Fine as well

Also Have Found useing Toric contacts works great.

Also Remember Eotech/Aimpoint are for FAST shooting 0 to 200m
and yes you can shoot further with a Aimpoint/Eotech

Sounds like you may want a 1-4x scope

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 10:54:47 AM EDT
An astigmatism really messes up shooting with a red dot.  Mine appears as a more of a long angled thing than it does a dot, but for everyone else looking through it they see a dot.  I've gotten used to blurred dot I see and know how to shoot with it but I have to admit I'm still looking for an optic that will work on my defensive carbine.  

My hunting rifles have scopes and they work pretty well although sometimes there's blurring there as well.  Sucks having old eyes but you just have to adapt.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 10:54:50 AM EDT
Are you leaving your glasses on when using the Eotech?
I am nearsighted; I need glasses for distance vision.
I find that I have to leave my glasses on when using the Eotech because the reticle is in the same plane as the target.
If I leave my glasses off everything is out of focus, this is just the opposite when I use my normal scopes.
Since most glasses correct astigmatisms leaving them on may help.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 10:58:42 AM EDT
Try turning the reticle intensity down.

yeah try this. but yes if your eyes are crap it'll look fuzzy and it won't matter what RDS you look through.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 11:00:05 AM EDT
I have an astigmatism and even some retinal detachment from some head trauma long ago.  I am just learning this about the red dot sights.  Do ACOGs suffer this same setback?  I do pretty well through a traditional scope.  Thanks in advance and my apologies to the OP for a slight hijack!

Yes, from my past experience ACOG's will also look terrible if you have astigmatism. With contacts I can use my 2moa aimpoint fine, but without....not a chance.

Do use Toric type contacts?? I do

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 11:15:27 AM EDT
More then likely you have an astigmatism.

Good bet.

Yup. No big deal. When I first got my Aimpoint it was a red hot spec, the next morning it looked like a figure eight and I thought I had gotten a faulty unit. I found the more I focused on it in days to follow it dissapeared so the eye
must adjust some when put to the task.

I wouldn't use any sight system that required looking past it an focusing on the target, a fundemental wrong habit
when using iron sights or a scope when precision shooting.

Having said that a red dot is for fast target aquisition and with both eyes open or weak eye half closed you should
see the target and red dot splotch equally.    

I thought that looking at the target was the point of all red dot sights, that is how you get the speed.
Some manufacturers have even made up a name for it, e.g.  BAC.

That was also my understanding.

Thats why I specified 'when precision shooting'.

At speed I see everything but the red dot is a dominant feature.
After years of training and fucusing on the front sight and not the target when drawing a semi from a holster against a shot timer it's a hard habit both to learn and then break, not that I would want to. When everything happens in less than a second in pistol shooting you see everything i.e. front sight on target and thats how I naturally shoot a red dot, red dot on target, boom.
If I'm seeing the target without the red dot I'll turn it up bigger, brighter until it's a dominant feature in the picture.
I may be wrong though and the concept of irons may be completely different than red dots but thats how I roll.   .  

Link Posted: 7/23/2010 12:58:50 PM EDT
I feel the same way OP. EO tech is not a good sight IMO. I had an EO and couldn't  stand it. I upgraded to the Aimpoint and couldn't be happier.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 2:17:08 PM EDT
To each his own,

I prefer the EoTech over anything else I've tried.  The 65moa/1moa dot is my favorite (I have several different types of "reddots").  I had cataract surgery and had my lenses replaced and the EoTech works great.  Probably because it "projects" the focus several yards in front.  My manmade lenses only have 2 focal points, computer distance and infinity.

That's why they they make so many different types.  My eldest, when he was in Iraq & he was no POG, also loved the Eotech, and his eyesight is 20/20. Go figure.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 3:28:41 PM EDT
It's your eyes...
Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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