I'm thinking about upgrading the trigger on my 6920. What's kept me from upgrading in the past is that I kept hearing that the factory trigger systems are the most durable and I didn't want to sacrifice that feature since it's my only SHTF rifle. Still, I'm contemplating this and am seeking advice.
What I don't like about the factory trigger is that it's very hard to pull smoothly while maintaining an accurate shot (for me). I find that it's a bit heavy or tight. I would like to replace it with something thats smooth, not TOO light, but as close to as durable as the factory trigger. I keep seeing those Chip McCormick Trigger systems and they look nice, but what worries me is that since it's a single all included unit, that if one piece malfunctions, I'd have to replace the whole system (am I right?)
Anyway... I'm not sure I completely comprehend the difference between 'single', 'double', and 'match' trigger systems and am hoping someone can enlighten me a bit, and perhaps make some recommendations based on what I've mentioned above.
So far, based on price and reputation, I'm considering the RRA 2 stage trigger system. I see them going for about $85 shipped. What say you?