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Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 3/31/2007 2:45:18 AM EDT
The barrel is a DPMS 20" stainless match with match gas block/sight.  The replacement gas block is the four set screw variety of the PRI flip up sight.

I never fired the rifle in its original configuration.

I replaced the match gas block for a  the PRI flip up gas block.  My rifle is currently a single shot, with only one occurance of actual semi-auto fire.  The brass is either not ejected or gets stuck in the ejection port on the way out.  I removed the gas block and inspected the ports on the gas block and gas tube.  It appears the two holes are not aligned when the roll pin is inserted.  The misalignment is lengthwise by about 1/4-1/3 of the diameter of the hole size.

Not having any experience with a stainless barrel, I noticed burn marks along the rear of the gas block outward.

Any thoughts (besides don't buy DPMS)?

Thanks in advance!  

Forgot to mention:
HSM 62 gr - about 20 rounds fired
PMC 55 gr - about 120 rounds fired
Fed 55 gr - about 20 rounds fired
Link Posted: 3/31/2007 6:31:58 AM EDT
Sounds like your PRI gas block might be obstructing the gas port. See if you can ensure that the barrel gas port and the PRI gas ports are lined up.
Link Posted: 3/31/2007 11:15:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/1/2007 1:15:21 AM EDT
Thanks for the replies.  Those are why it's well worth contributing $$$ to the site.
Link Posted: 4/1/2007 2:35:11 PM EDT
9/10 brass ejection.  Not one complete feed cycle.  
Link Posted: 4/10/2007 12:47:18 PM EDT
A local gunsmith who specializes in AR's diagnosed the problem to be excess gas leaking from between the barrel and gas block.  Any ideas besides changing the gas block?
Link Posted: 4/12/2007 12:42:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/12/2007 1:07:18 PM EDT
It should be obvious that you must have the correct amount of gas taken from the port and delievered to the boltcarrier in a timely fashion.  So, to insure the correct amount of gas, ensure a good seal at the start of this cycle.  Next is to be sure the tube is without leaks and that the gas key is making a good seal as well, to both the tube and the carrier body.

There must be a complete and functional system in place in order to have a functional reliable weapon system.

Yeah if it is obviousily not working or fit correctly... change it out.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 3:25:06 PM EDT
changed the gas block to a LaRue - problem solved  
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 4:26:39 PM EDT

changed the gas block to a LaRue - problem solved  

Good deal!
Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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