You guys that pay money to have people paint your weapons for you are killing me.
The basic Marine Sniper course teaches all of its student how to paint their guns. Trust me, it's very easy.
Trust me guys, you would not believe what you can do with Bowflage or plain flat enamel spray paint.
Use Bowflage if you like to change the colorations as the seasons change, etc etc.
Use flat enamel for a more durable finish.
If your finish starts to get roughed up, just buy some acetone, remove or protect your optics, and get a few sponges. The paint can be easily removed with the acetone and a sponge.
To practice your color schemes and patterns, just get some wood 2x4s and go at it.
Get things like fern leaves, mesh laundry bags, mesh netting or anything your imagination can produce. Lay them over your weapon or hold them over it with your hand. When you spray, the leaves or other objects leave great patterns on the weapon.
Make sure to tear off small strips of masking tape and cover any small details you dont want painted such as scope turret dials, ejection ports or what have you. Also if your barrel has no type of compensator or the like on the end of it, be sure to plug the muzzle with a foam ear plug.
Dont blow big cash paying some dork to paint a weapon when you will just scratch it up over time and have to pay the money all over again.
Learn to do it yourself. We snipers all do.
If you want a step by step list of what to do. Email me and I will help you out.