Here four BCGs on some rifles I own, from top to bottom (or RIGHT to LEFT if the photo rotated):
1. AR15 Original BCG
2. AR15 Enhanced BCG
3. AR15 Enhanced Gen 2
4. Colt AR/M16
As the pictures suggest, only the Colt is positively staked.
For those who recall the original AR BCG, the material was milled out leaving the firing pin in contact.
And for those who are not aware, the subtle difference between the G1 and G2 enhanced is the extra material on the end.
I haven't been an active recreational shooter for a while, so I know that I could get away with leaving everything as is until failure (much of which may never happen), and that is the course many advocate. My thoughts were to replace the AR15 original since that rifle is getting re-barreled (and the bolt should probably be replaced to go with the new barrel) and I can get away with leaving the "enhanced AR BCGs" as is until necessary. What do you think?
1. Leave everything as is until failure?
2. Replace the Original AR BCG to match the new bolt/barrel and it has the weakest staking (or a complete lack thereof)
3. Replace the Original and the Enhanced BCGs (or get the enhanced staked properly).
What say you?