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Page AR-15 » AR Variants
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 12/12/2010 2:21:31 PM EDT
Is this what the 300 Blackout has evolved into?
I have not heard anything about the 30 Remington Ar in a while .
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 7:05:16 PM EDT
No,  30AR Is a completely different animal.   It seems that Remington comes out with new cartridges with no real support behind them (ie 6.8, 30AR) except a little puff piece propaganda articles.  When they can't figure out why their new cartridges haven't taken off, they decide to steal someone elses baby and give it a new name(Iie .300 whisper).  Don't get me wrong I just got a new 6.8 gun and I think the cartridge has really turned into something great, but that is due to all the aftermarket guys fixing what Remmy screwed up.   The .30AR seems like it could be a decent round but you can't buy brass for it and it seems individual barrels and bolts are not the easy to get either.  I'm not even sure what kind of mags it uses.  The .300 blackout is just the .300 whisper tweaked a little bit and SAAMI spec'd.  As far as Remington goes I wonder if they even have people there that have grasp on the AR world? It seems it should be simple since they are a sister company to several major players.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 7:45:47 PM EDT
Just look at the Model 770 Bolt Action...The biggest P.O.S. Rifle they ever made...Remmy can make some big mistakes.
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 1:42:20 AM EDT


Is this what the 300 Blackout has evolved into?

I have not heard anything about the 30 Remington Ar in a while .

Another poster asked recently if it had been canceled. At that time I found that it was still on the product page.

Still in existence? Yes. Viable? No.

Link Posted: 12/13/2010 2:44:28 AM EDT
I have a Remington 30AR, made by DPMS. I'm not very happy about their customer service and the problem I"m have with the rifle. There is no brass and a very limited supply of good ammo.The round has potential, just no support.
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 4:59:46 PM EDT
OK all thanks for the info. I am know in the know
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 1:02:39 AM EDT
Spend the extra money for a R25 in .308 if you want a Remmy .30 cal AR.  I have one and it is a tack driver (.sub .5 MOA if the barrel is cooled fully between shots, 1 MOA if you shoot it warm).  

I asked about a .30RAR when I got my R25, they had none and no ammo at a sportsman's warehouse so even a big box did not carry the round or guns chambered in with it.  I hand load so just brass would have been fine with me.  

It appears the round is dead before it got started.  To bad.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 9:55:08 AM EDT
Too bad.  It really looks like an interesting concept, especially if they necked it down to 264RAR, 257RAR or something like that.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 11:02:23 AM EDT
Is there a way to make brass for this cartridge or are owners screwed when Remington stops making ammo?
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 8:30:27 PM EDT
I read that the parent cartridge for the 30 R AR was the 450 Bushmaster and that is why you can only single load the rounds in the AR mag.  I don't know if brass could be fire formed from the 450 B or another cartridge?
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 9:45:07 PM EDT
Bill Wilson has been testing the round this season.  There are some posts of his in .....THIS ..... thread.

He seems to like the round and compares it ballistically to the older 300 Savage.
Page AR-15 » AR Variants
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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