I became a left handed shooter after being a righty for forty years. I developed a blood clot in my right eye where the retina joins the optic nerve (complications from diabetes) leaving a big dead zone in the center of my right eye, right where all my sights and reticles are supposed to be.
Throwing a rifle up to your right shoulder for 40 years is a hard habit to break, and it slows me considerably.
That being said, I use my EOTech 512, EXPS2-2 and Vortex Sparc with my left eye to great success, once I get the rifle up to the correct shoulder. I agree that one of the major benefits of a non-magnified optic is that yu can kkeep both eyes open and retain your peripheral vision and depth perception, bt they can certainly be used with a single eye.
Try to borrow one, or look through a few at your local gun shop, and see what you think.
Mark H.