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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 12/14/2010 4:54:04 PM EDT
It's time for a barrel change with one gun. It's had a PRI carbine carbon fiber FF tube and that's got to go with the barrel (because the FH is pinned & welded). That forearm has been just fine, but they are a bit pricey so I'm interested in alternatives.

What I like about the PRI is that 1.) it is light, 2.) the rails are removeable - I don't need and don't want a quad rail but I do use a side rail section for a light and 3.) it's sturdy.

So what are good quality alternatives that meet the three criteria the PRI satisfies?
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 5:08:38 PM EDT
Troy trx extreme
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 5:24:08 PM EDT
That Troy looks like a pretty good suggestion. Thanks.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 5:43:46 PM EDT
One other to look at is the GG&G free float tube. It is two pieces and mounts to the barrel nut. It has rails and grips arrangeable in different configs. I run 1 on a carbine and have another waiting to install. I use them without any additions except mount a rail section where I need it. Pretty comfortable and light weight. Worth looking into. You can find them around $100 on the EE or on sale.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 5:46:57 PM EDT
I'll take a look at the GG&G.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 5:48:16 PM EDT
One other to look at is the GG&G free float tube. It is two pieces and mounts to the barrel nut. It has rails and grips arrangeable in different configs. I run 1 on a carbine and have another waiting to install. I use them without any additions except mount a rail section where I need it. Pretty comfortable and light weight. Worth looking into. You can find them around $100 on the EE or on sale.

I have a GG&G as well...have had it for many years; you don't see (m)any of them, but I like mine.

That said, I just got a DD and I like it too.

Link Posted: 12/14/2010 6:57:33 PM EDT
I love my VLTOR CASV-M

might be a tiny bit heavier than you are looking for though.

Its amazingly comfortable and if your rifle is balanced correctly the weight is NOT an issue.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 7:01:22 PM EDT
I appreciate the input; thanks. The Troy is inbound - it meets the criteria and it really is light, ~ 7 oz.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 7:07:31 PM EDT
Might not meet your weight requirement, but I really think the Apex rail looks goooood.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 7:19:43 PM EDT
Might not meet your weight requirement, but I really think the Apex rail looks goooood.

+1 on that.

does look pretty damn sexy.  thinking about picking one of those up.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 7:23:03 PM EDT
I agree with the previous posts about the Troy TRX Extreme.  It is a very nice, and very lightweight rail.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 9:17:10 PM EDT
Might not meet your weight requirement, but I really think the Apex rail looks goooood.

+1 on that.

does look pretty damn sexy.  thinking about picking one of those up.

It is interesting looking.  Any feedback from folks that have one?
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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