I've got 28 USGI 30rd mags with half black, half flat dark earth Ranger plates since around 2008 and they're still currently going great.
I use the different colors plates because I load 55 grains bullets on one color and 62 grains and heavier on another color.
The Ranger plates do absorb shock when dropped on concrete or hard surfaces, the material is called Santoprene (*r) synthetic rubbery type material.
I only broken one Ranger plate when it was stuck on one of my mag when I was removing it, the bottom of the mag is out of spec and I forced the Ranger plate with too much force and broke the loop, it was my own fault.
Mostly I look around for a good sale price to avoid paying full retail for them, I mostly use them on my mag chest rig (6 to 12 mags), they're very durable and would highly recommend them.