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Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 7/17/2010 2:32:38 PM EDT
I am looking to add a Trijicon RX30 to my carbine, but I need a little help.  I plan on keeping my LMT rear sight mounted so I need to know if I will have enough rail space.  I plan on getting the RX30 from Cabelas (I have a gift card), and I think it will be the RX30-11 (weaver mount).  If it will fit, will it give me a lower 1/3 co-witness with my fixed iron sights?  If not, can I use the RX125-SPACER's from Trijicon to get a lower 1/3 co-witness?  How does the RX30-11 compare to the RX30-14 (flattop) mount?  Would I need to purchase the RX14 separately?
Link Posted: 7/18/2010 1:44:46 AM EDT
It will fit with a lower-1/3 cowitness with the flattop mount. No experience with the weaver mount. The mounts can be purchased separately but they're pretty expensive (around $115 I think).
Link Posted: 7/18/2010 11:13:49 AM EDT
Thank you for your reply.  I am trying to avoid having to buy a separate mount for $100+ if I can.  The spacers are only $16 a piece on the Trijicon site, so if I added a few I might be able to get the lower 1/3 co-witness with the RX-11 mount.  That's assuming that the Cabelas mount is the RX-11 mount.  I have a question into Cabelas customer service, but if anyone out there has bought one from them, I'd appreciate the help.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 2:49:39 PM EDT
So, I got an e-mail back from Cabelas and the model they sell is the RX30A-51.  Apparently, this mount is an ACOG TA-51 flat top mount that has an adapter to the Reflex RX30's.  I'm assuming that this is a less expensive mounting solution compared to the RX-14 flat top mount.  Does anyone know how this mounting height compares to the RX-14?  I want to know if it will give me the lower 1/3 co-witness that the RX-14 mount provides.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 3:50:23 PM EDT
So, I got an e-mail back from Cabelas and the model they sell is the RX30A-51.  Apparently, this mount is an ACOG TA-51 flat top mount that has an adapter to the Reflex RX30's.  I'm assuming that this is a less expensive mounting solution compared to the RX-14 flat top mount.  Does anyone know how this mounting height compares to the RX-14?  I want to know if it will give me the lower 1/3 co-witness that the RX-14 mount provides.

The TA-51 ACOG mount is my fav mount for the RX30, provides a nice lower 1/3 cowitness.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 5:26:03 PM EDT
How far forward do you mount it?  The Trijicon on-line manual says that you shouldn't mount the a RX30 with RX14 or TA51 mounts in either the front two (muzzle end) rail slots.  I don't think the TA51 mount will fit with my fixed LMT rear without mounting it all the way to the front end of the receiver.  Anyone know why they say "The two furthest forward on the weapon do not give sufficient engagement of the clamp mechanism?"  Am I missing something?
Link Posted: 7/20/2010 5:18:51 AM EDT
> Here are the relative heights for the various combos
> RX30-23 1.381"
> RX30A-51 1.506"
> RX30-14 1.8"
> RX30 w/ RX25 1.9" (carry handle)
> RX30 w/ RX25 & TA51 2.08"
> spacers add 1/8" (0.125")
Link Posted: 7/20/2010 1:55:18 PM EDT
That's great information!  Thank you.  So, I like the RX30A-51 mounting height.  Does anyone know what's up with the two furthest forward mounting locations?  I can't imagine Trijicon putting in the manual if there wasn't some sort of issue.
Link Posted: 7/20/2010 5:36:13 PM EDT
That's great information!  Thank you.  So, I like the RX30A-51 mounting height.  Does anyone know what's up with the two furthest forward mounting locations?  I can't imagine Trijicon putting in the manual if there wasn't some sort of issue.

Send me a link to that, there is no reason I can think of we would say that.  I may need to talk to someone tomorrow...
Link Posted: 7/20/2010 6:00:35 PM EDT
I'd appreciate any information you could provide.  The address is just for the RX30 manual.  See the bottom of page 11 and top of page 12.

Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:39:49 AM EDT
I have one mounted on a ruger 10/22, forward, makes for a whicked fast training platform.
Second one mounted on a 20 inch AR, whicked fast three gun rifle!

As far as mounting, it is a matter of personal preference.  I like it out front as it becomes a ghost ring in the field of view, works well for movers - you basically own anything you can see.

I always get a kick when I shoot a match, there is always some one in front of me that has left the battery on with their red dot site - they are usually furious by the tme I shoot with NO BATTERIES REQUIRED!!
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 5:56:18 AM EDT
I'd appreciate any information you could provide.  The address is just for the RX30 manual.  See the bottom of page 11 and top of page 12.


I can't tell you why the manual says that, I'll look into it.  I can tell you that I mount mine all the way forward and have no issues with it.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 2:03:32 PM EDT
If I mount the RX30A-51 all the way forward, will it fit with my LMT fixed rear sight?  It looks tight from pictures and a little tape measure work.  Does anyone know or have dimensions so that I can determine the location of the rear corner (height and distance) relative the some reference point on the rail?  I could then check the location relative to the rear sight.
Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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