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Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/26/2009 9:53:10 AM EDT
Hi everyone,

  Looking for some quick feedback from someone who can take a look at their troy rear BUIS.  I mounted mine today, and noticed that it has a bit of movement in it.  The movement is not a result of the interface between the rail and sight, but a result of the sight rotating a bit, even when it's locked in the up position.  It's not a whole lot, but being newb to all of this, I wanted to make sure it was normal.  When yours are locked in the up position, do they have some play in them, or or they completely tight.  Thanks, and thanks for bearing with the newbish question.  Everything else about this sight looks bombproof - very happy with it, assuming the play is g2g.  

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 10:22:56 AM EDT
Hi everyone,

  Looking for some quick feedback from someone who can take a look at their troy rear BUIS.  I mounted mine today, and noticed that it has a bit of movement in it.  The movement is not a result of the interface between the rail and sight, but a result of the sight rotating a bit, even when it's locked in the up position.  It's not a whole lot, but being newb to all of this, I wanted to make sure it was normal.  When yours are locked in the up position, do they have some play in them, or or they completely tight.  Thanks, and thanks for bearing with the newbish question.  Everything else about this sight looks bombproof - very happy with it, assuming the play is g2g.  


I am not at home, but will try to answer you based off memory.  I have an M&P15T that came with Troy BUIS.  The front sight has some internal movement, but always seems to return back to whatever the standard position is.  Like you said, it has a little play in it, but mine does not rest wherever you leave it.  It goes back to wherever it feels most comfortable.  I would guess the movement to be a fraction of a millimeter. I cannot comment on the rear BUIS doing this, but it probably does.

It moves about as much as any of my permanent teeth move in my mouth.  They wiggle a tiny bit...but always seem to return to normal once I am done wiggling them.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 10:29:16 AM EDT
Normal, there is some play if you wiggle it but it still locks up tight.

ETA: Don't' wiggle it, just flip them up and starting shooting you rifle.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:15:14 PM EDT
Normal, there is some play if you wiggle it but it still locks up tight.

ETA: Don't' wiggle it, just flip them up and starting shooting you rifle.

+1....there is your solution.

it's normal
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:26:51 PM EDT
Perfectly normal
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 11:17:36 PM EDT
Great, thanks for the help everyone.  Can't wait to finish the build and get it down to the range.
Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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