I have started to have failure to fire issues with my newish PSA 9mm. I thought it might be the Timmney Trigger I put in so I replaced it with the original PSA GI type trigger. This actually seems to have helped a little, but I still have a failure to ignite the primer ever 5 shots or so. Looking at the mechanism it seems that the hammer may be hitting the last round hold open before the hammer fully strikes the firing pin?? I suppose I could change to Fed'l primers which are said to be softer, or try to get a longer firing pin. I should say that I have two bolt groups a PSA and a Spinta, both are prone to the misfires, but the PSA seems slightly worse, although both are unacceptable.
My question is, have others had problems with the PSA lowers bolt hold open latch stopping the hammer from delivering full force to the firing pin?? If so how have you fixed this? It looks like the easiest way is to remove the hammer and file a few hundreds off of the face that contacts the bolt hold open. A better solution would be to remove the bolt hold open and file the same off the face that contacts the hammer, thus making it GTG with all hammers??
I would appreciate any guidance here, I have a PCC match this Sun and can't see going if I can't get this problem solved.