I'd honestly go PWS just because I prefer the way they handle, but if resale is an issue the LWRC is a more recognzable brand name. Nothing worng with either one, see if you can try both before buying. Both run like raped apes, but the PWS just felt "better".
That's why I went with it. I mean really, when it all comes down to it, we're very spoiled. There are so many good choices out there in AR's whether they be DI or piston, that it's hard to make a
bad choice. Especially when you're dealing with the likes of Colt, PWS, HK, LWRC, LMT, etc... They're all accurate, reliable, durable and have excellent fit and finish. If you go with an established manufacturer, or some of the new-comers that are rapidly building a name for themselves (Hogan comes to mind), you can't go wrong. Find what you like, find what feels good for you, shoots good for you and more importantly, makes you smile.