Rock-n-roll baby, that is the only way! ! ! ! How many have heard that famous line.
Line being the operative word.
Personnel from the Army Material Systems Analysis Agency (AMSAA) told me in a nutshell if you ever see test results showing full auto more effective than semi auto, it is a rigged test.
That can't be right because on TV we have all seen full auto fire place rounds in nice even lines exactly where the hired gun wants them. It is amazing what a prop man can do with squib charges, a couple of miles of wire, a battery and a long board of nails with wire run from the charge to the nail and another nail with wire to a battery.
How do you go about proving the AMSAA boys don't know what they are talking about because on TV...........................
Quite simple actually.
Here is what you need:
2 pieces of OSB
12 2X4s,
Tape Measure
roll of one inch masking tape.
stop watch or even better a RU Ready speed timer.
End roll of newsprint from newspaper office. Some will give you the end rolls from the big bundles they cut off before press runs out of paper. Some will charge you a small fee.
Transtar Silhouettes or silhouettes with scroring rings on them defining lethal and non lethal areas. IPSC targets will do fine as well.
First off develop a questionaire asking such things as name, unit, his marksmanship rating, his opinion of his ability to shoot, the average combat range full auto would be fired most effectively, why full auto is superior etc etc.
First off you build a 8 foot by 8 foot frame from the 2X4s. Next you nail the OSB panels to the studs and stand the target up on the range. Use other 2X4s to brace the target in a triangle on each side.
Now cover the entire surface with newsprint. Take the silhouette target and staple it at bottom of 8X8 centered.
Have your shooter assume the standing position (John Wayne) 50 yards from the target and give him a 30 round magazine. On command he is to fire the entire magazine in any fashion he feels will be most effective for the largest number of hits on the target as fast as he can. If you are using a stop watch Stand where you can observe the bolt. When he fires the first round start the watch and when the bolt stays to the rear stop the watch and record the time.
As the weapon cools down walk down and plot the shots on the target on a separate piece of paper. Even better take your digital camera and photograph him standing next to his work showing all the bullet holes. Note: If your shooter is good he will have ten vital hits and maybe six hits at the upper edge of the target if three shot bursts are used. The remainder are Moon Shots. If it is one continious burst you will have two shots on the paper. One dead center, the next at the upper corner (right for right handed firer and left for leftie) and the rest Moon shots.
On a form showing a target have him plot the shots as accurately as he can by dots.
Show the time alotted from first to last round.
Next clean the target up by taping the Moon Shots and replacing the silhouette. Return to the 50 yard line and have him load and be ready with weapon on semi auto. Tell him that when he starts to fire you will start the watch and when he arrives at the same time he used to shoot the first magazine you will place your hand on his shoulder and he will cease fire immediately. Again shoot as fast as he feels comfortable.
After he fires go down and score, photograph, record etc.
Ask him to explain how he was able to get more hits on the silhouette with semi auto than full auto. Next ask to to explain why full auto is superior to semi auto. This is where it gets funny. "It feels better." " I like the sound." "It makes them keep their head down." "Combat does not take place at 50 yards." etc etc.
Ask him next what he considers to be an effective combat range for full auto. He will most likely say do some quick analysis of his target and say 10 yards. At that point get a gallon jug of water and have him shoot it. After he does so ask him to explain how two to five more shots will do it better.
This is a worst case scenario. Doing the same test at 25 yards is even more dramatic.
In three shot bursts he should be able to keep all 5.56 rounds on the 8X8. For a right handed shooter you should have ten dead center hits, ten shots just above the shoulder of the silhouette, (right side for right handers, left side for lefties). You may have one or two shots hit a ear or nip shoulder etc. At the very upper portion of the 8X8 you will have a 24 to 36" group.
Score, photograph etc. as above. Again have him do same drill in semi auto at same time frame. Have him explain again how full auto is more effective.
Personally I think Patton said it best, make the other poor bastard give his life for his country or as of late sign him up for the 77 virgin tour.
Bottom line is you can sign more up in semi auto than full auto and maybe you can educate your folks that rock-n-roll is for juke boxes and movies. Hits Count, Misses don't. Then you will know why the title of this article is BS.