I have a spare .223 upper receiver laying around. Is there any problem with using it as the basis for a 9mm upper half ? As a right hander, will I get gas or brass in the face without the 9mm deflector installed ?
I plan on installing a 10.5" 9mm barrel (RRA ?), a ramped 9mm bolt assembly (CMMG ?) and a top-loading mag block (Hahn ?). When installing the barrel, I presume simply applying proper torque is sufficient to keep the barrel nut in place ? My SBR'd lower already has a chopped M16 hammer and a 9mm buffer installed. My hammer spring is currently modified per the 15 minute trigger job (i.e. one leg removed); should I go back to an unmodified hammer spring to apply the proper resistance to the bolt carrier ? Lastly, are there any other special considerations to ensure reliable functioning, or does a 9mm build pretty much go together like a .223 build ?