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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/7/2004 9:04:05 AM EDT

           New to black rifles, just ordered RRA NM in flat top configuration. Expecting a 4-6 week wait. Looking for info on mags........what to buy, where to buy 'em & how much sould I expect to pay?
As the owner of 2 M1A Supermatch rifles, I assume USGI is the way to go with ARF mags, right?

Link Posted: 5/7/2004 9:14:39 AM EDT
USGI all the way. The prices should come down after the ban sunsets in Sept. The equipment exchange on this site is an excellent place to hunt mags. It'll give ya an idea of prices if nothing else.

Link Posted: 5/7/2004 9:32:42 AM EDT

don't be suprised when the 4-6weeks turn into 6-9weeks, RRA is known for thier loooooooong wait.

As for the mags son't buy anythnig buy USGI or SA-80 mags.

Link Posted: 5/7/2004 9:47:49 AM EDT

As for the mags son't buy anythnig buy USGI or SA-80 mags.

I agree.  700P, you can also hit the Mag FAQ for some excellent info.

Welcome to the board!
Link Posted: 5/7/2004 10:35:16 AM EDT
6-9 Weeks?  Ha.   I have had a Varmint rifle on order for over 11 weeks.  It would seem that no one is capable of making a barrel for it.  
Link Posted: 5/7/2004 10:39:01 AM EDT
Definately hit the Mag forum & Troy's Magazine FAQ before purchasing.
Link Posted: 5/7/2004 10:42:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/7/2004 10:43:57 AM EDT

Get the Labelle or DPMS teflon mags from EagleFirearms -


Gotta agree, excellent Mags.
Link Posted: 5/7/2004 1:58:48 PM EDT
Yea I just sat thruogh a 2 month wait for my RRA . , But in the end it was worth it . As for mags head over to the EE and look up Magman . 5 NIW USGI $100 shiped to your door , even if you live in Alaska .
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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