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Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 6/22/2011 11:06:51 AM EDT
Hello fellow AR blaster feens, I could use some advice before making a purchase on an optic.  As stated, I do have astigmatism, so that comes into play.  I have read here many times that astigmatism and EOTechs dont play well together.  For what its worth, I have tried out a 512 at a gunshow, and the reticle really didnt look all that blurry to me.  

My main consideration in choosing an optic is size and weight.  so, I am considering either an Aimpoint Micro, or a Trijicon RX06.   I would like to know how the two compare, or to just hear about any experience you may have had with either of them.  I am also considering a primary arms micro just as a cheap starter, so any experience on those would be great as well.

This would be mounted on my 11.5" BCM, currently using Troy flip-ups for front and rear irons.  For the practical - I have zero experience with optics, I've always used only irons up until now.

Thanks much for anything you can share!
Link Posted: 6/22/2011 11:21:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/22/2011 12:58:14 PM EDT
Check out the burris ar332, its a prismatic scope and should work with your astigmatism
Link Posted: 6/22/2011 1:36:27 PM EDT
Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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