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Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/3/2007 5:53:19 PM EDT
Much thanks to the ARFCOM community....from the build to the ammo to the survival forums.

It was here that I first heard the term "off list lower" and in doing so I educated myself on how to legaly build and own an amazing weapon to protect my home and family with here in the state of California. I've also aquired the knowledge to feed them and provide for them in the time of emergency or crisis as well as volumes of other thought provoking and interesting information...also

My son got to see it finished today as well as spend the last two weeks with me going to the range and bonding for the first time together. We found a mutual attraction to shooting as well as a few other things.

Today he left to get back to Ft. Meade and prepare for his deployment to South Korea. In the last week I got a chance to know a boy I never saw grow up and watch him marry the love of his life. Shooting and range time gave us a chance to spark conversations and find alone time to get to know each other on an entirely different level. This is something i'm sure we'll be doing together well into our old age, looking forward to it.

Thanks again ARFCOMers...waiting a few weeks before I finish the second one heDouble Star Lower
Del-ton upper w/ DTI 1x16 lightweight barrel
Stag M4 Buttsock
Stag inards
Prince 50 maglock kit (to make Jerry Brown happy)


Link Posted: 1/3/2007 5:56:18 PM EDT
Nice...  Every home needs one of those.  
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 6:06:18 PM EDT
I don't mean to rain on your parade, but isn't it still considered an assault rifle in CA if it has 2 or more features (it would seem you have all of them!) even though its an off-list lower? I am not a resident of CA but that was my understanding. Hey, even if it is illegal and you're comfortable with it then I guess thats fine too! I just wouldn't want to have a surprise after someone spots me at the range!
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 6:16:58 PM EDT
no rain..fortunatly I did my research..because it has a non-detachable fixed mag (i.e. Prince 50 maglock kit) I can have any feature on since it is now not considered an AW. he
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 6:31:01 PM EDT
Oh ok thats it! I usually see CA legal guns with fixed mags that protrude from the bottom. I guess those ones are just plugged to keep them from loading too many. I just didn't see a mag on there so I assumed it was detachable.
Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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