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Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/6/2003 1:47:20 AM EDT
Anyone had any problems with Model "1" Sales products or service .
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 7:45:24 AM EDT
I just put up a post yesterday.  I have built 5 Ar's using their kits. They make quality kits.

These kits do not have forged front sights, they come with, A-1 sight posts, A-1 birdgage FH and roll pinned front swivel. (but they are $50-$100 less than competitors and you can change all of that for a lot less than $100 and all I ever changed were the front sight posts (to square A-2's and the FH to A-2 (with closed bottom slots)

(I purchased the following:

1 20 in kit with SS, and NM sight upgrade

3 20 in kits with FF tubes (I ordered these without front sights [like bushy V-match] but they came with front sights anyway).

1 11.5in SS upper (for my M-16)

All of the kits shot 1MOA or better at 100yds.

The front sight problem was the only problem I had and the kits ship in about a week-10days.  
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 11:46:40 AM EDT
I have built several rifles using their kits with zero problems. I have no qualms about using the cast sight towers as they are still steel. The barrels are made by Shaw and the ones I had shot very well. As far as the rest of the parts who knows who makes them but they work OK.
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 11:52:57 AM EDT
I have a $260 16" A2 pencil upper I am happy with.
The assembly is also more accurate that I thought it be.
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 1:55:00 PM EDT
I built a 24 inch fluted barrel varmiter from there kit. Very accurate and a nicely made kit
Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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