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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 12/16/2010 4:49:53 PM EDT
I have an M&P 15/22 with that has fired about 1500 rounds.  I'm having an issue where the empties won't eject.  After about 5 rounds the casing gets stuck and every round after that jams behind it.  I've given the gun a good cleaning but I'm wondering if there's anything else I need to look for.  I've only fired Federal .22 LR rounds since buying the gun.  

Any ideas ??
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 4:51:43 PM EDT
Make sure your extractor is still in the bolt.

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 4:51:50 PM EDT
different ammo?

not that it is the only answer but if it does not happen with say cci or winchester then you might just have your answer.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 5:36:32 PM EDT
Some of the older rifles had problems. S&W has a fix. Contact them for the upgraded extractor.

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 6:33:33 PM EDT
1)  Does it work with a complete cleaning and CCI MiniMag 40 Grain Round Nose High Speed ammo?  If so, use other ammo at your peril.  If not, something is wrong.

2) Some of the non extraction is actually weak ammo and/or extraction, non ejection, and back into the chamber.  Or with Remington, cases splitting.  Or with Federal, soft brass expanding and sticking.

3)  Turn the rifle over, muzzle away from you, and look up the magazine well with a flashlight.  For the 15/22 to eject, the extractor stem needs to be nearly touching the center feed rib of the bolt.  It also needs to be nearly touching the under side of the bolt.  The center rib is the thing that feeds the round out of the magazine.  The underside of the bolt is what you are now looking at.  If it is not in the right spot, very gently bend it to the center and bend it upward with fingers or a small flat driver through the ejection port.

4)  If it still won't run, S&W warranty will fix it.

5)  If it has a bright, not blued metal and not painted blue metal, spring, it is a stiff spring and will only function with zippy .22LR HS such as the MiniMag or Viper.  If it has a sky blue spring, it is a weaker spring and it will function with milder .22LR HS ammo such as AM. Eagle 40 grain RN HS.  The old ones from the first year's production will be converted by S&W to run on normal .22LR HS ammo if you send it back to them.

6)  Good Luck.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 7:29:04 PM EDT
So, normally what happens is the crappy little roll pin that holds the extractor in falls out, and you loose the extractor.  

If the guns pretty clean, it will function for awhile without it.  Especially if using hot .22. It's basically relying on the recoil of the round to extract.  I've watched people go through 1/2 a box of CCI mini mags, then have the rifle stop ejecting.  Chamber got dirty and stick, and without the extractor there to grab on and use the rearward movement of the bolt, they get stuck.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 8:12:58 PM EDT
pics of the bolt go!  mine used to not eject (extraction and ejection are 2 different things) they way i fixed the ejection was i bent the ejector out towards the ejection port and fixed that problem
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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