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Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/11/2004 5:54:03 PM EDT
The hole for the spring/detent pin for the front take-down pin: How deep is it supposed to be?

The only referrence in the regular manual I could find was alittle obscure. It says something like "If needed, drill with 1/16" drill to a depth of one inch." I'm not sure what "needed" means in this context. Furthermore, it appears that the hole must be at least 5/32" in diameter.

What I do know is that there ain't no way in hell the spring called for is going into the existing hole in this new receiver. The hole, as it is, is about 0.60" deep.

Thanks in advance.


Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:48:39 PM EDT
There is a link here some where that details this.

I down loaded it and it is 1.125 deep (which is past the pivot pin detent hole) but 5/32 seems to big for the dia.

I'll be back with you if you don't find out first.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:25:13 PM EDT
Thanks wewild.

I looked for the link but, with the search function currently kaput, I'm having a hell of a time.

And, I mis-typed. I meant 3/32".

which is past the pivot pin detent hole Just so we understand; I thought I was talking about the pivot pin detent hole.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 7:51:16 PM EDT
My notes say 1" deep.  I have measured 2 different diameters #41 or .096", and #39 or .099" diameter.  (close to 3/32")  The vent hole is #48 or .076" diameter and is 0.900" from the opening.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 10:29:30 PM EDT
Try this link...

Link Posted: 5/12/2004 4:04:04 PM EDT

I meant past the pivot pin vent hole.

Sorry for the confusion.
Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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