They gave it a number (6,672,219), so it's real.
Several color coating and surface preparation variations may be used, which include, but are not limited to:
Black oxide coating.
Nickel-plated, then oxidized.
Blasted brass, then nickel-plated.
Oxidized by exposure to high temperature.
Zinc plated with olive drab chromate or other desired color.
Blasted brass with black oxide coating.
Blasted brass, then oxidized.
Blasted brass, zinc plated with olive drab chromate or other desired color.
Blasted brass, nickel plated and oxidized.
Nickel-plated with desired color.
Blasted brass only.
Spray painted brass.
It seems to me though, that you could paint your brass for absolutely any other reason and you wouldn't be infringing on the patent. I guess it's just a marketing thing.