I had a friend who was an Israeli SDM and they gave him a 20" M16 with the cherokee style cheekrest, an acog on the carry handle and a harris bipod on the std handguards. there was the std 'sayaret' sling you can get on the EE too.
I just got a pristine pre-ban colt 20" A2.....
I was tempted to get a more tacticool rifle with rails, dual stage trigger etc., but of all the AR's I had, none weremore accurate (with me behind the trigger) than my 20" factory colt rifles. (don't worry I also got a Bushy M4A3 and a quad rail to hang a thousand pounds of accesories on!
so my dillema is this. I kinda want to keep the configuration as stock as possible while adding a bit of SDM flair to it and I realized I could replicate my friends issue rifle rather than replacing major componenets like teh American versions....
So I'm planning a plain old TA01 on the carry handle and the cheek rest on teh A2 stock but he had (I have pics) the bipod all the way on the end of the handguard and I can't help but think that this would affect shot placement more than just resting the handguard on a benchrest, seeing how the harris connection would put stress on the extreme far end of the barrel.
And yes, I realize that 'it works for them so I shouldn't worry', and that 'I'm not as good a shooter as the rifle is so I shouldn't worry', but will I be ruinng the rifles inherent accuracy by attaching teh bipod in this manner?