No!, he was wrong.
It goes in front of President Bush to be re-signed and we all hope he doesn't.
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No, not true.
The ban does NOT go up for re-signing. It EXPIRES on September 14, 2004, and that's the end of it.
If it were to be re-authorized, it would have to go through both Houses of Congress just like any OTHER new law. And there isn't even a bill on the floor to try to do that yet, in EITHER house, and such a bill would probably be tabled (shitcanned) the moment some jackass tries to introduce it.
"Bill introduced by Mr. Shitbag read twice and referred to the sanitation and recycling department."
Bush can't sign any reauthorization of it unless it passes in both the House AND the Senate FIRST, and there's almost NO chance it'd make it through the House, and not much chance it'd make it through the Senate.