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Page AR-15 » Rimfire and Pistol Calibers
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/2/2007 6:51:42 PM EDT
I am going to do a dedicated 9mm build and I thik I have decided on a dedicated Hahn block.  Brownells says that it should be installed by an armorer.  Is this just becaies it may require a bit of tuning?  What is the installation process?


Link Posted: 1/2/2007 8:30:39 PM EDT
The only thing that has to be done is removal of the bolt catch so the mag block can be slipped in to the magwell and then reinstall the bolt catch. Some might consider removal of the roll pin that attaches the bolt catch  to require an armorer, but its pretty simple to do.

There's a good how to tack in the "build it yourself" section that shows bolt catch installation.
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 6:24:22 PM EDT
You do want to do some major taping of the receiver to keep from scratching the receiver.  It only takes one slip of the roll pin punch  to "oops" a reciever.

Page AR-15 » Rimfire and Pistol Calibers
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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