Its purely a mathematical calculation. Five steps.
1. You must know how high the MaTech is above the rail top. Measure that or look it up. Write it down.
2. You must know how high the centerline of the Millet mount is -- the centerline -- above the rail. Measure it or look it up and write it down.
3. You must know the outside diameter of that Tasco scope. If you have it, measure it and write it down. If you don't know, see if Tasco lists the specs. You want to the outside diameter of the eyepiece, not the lens size. Get it and write it down.
You now have three numbers.
4. Now, you start out with the notion that one half of the eyepiece extends below the centerline of the mount. So you take the eyepiece diameter (step 3) and divide by two. Write down that number.
5. Subtract this last number (step 4) you wrote down from the the number you wrote down for the distance from centerline of the mount to the top of the rail (step 2) That is how far the bottom of the scope eyepiece will be from the top of the rail. Write this down.
If that number (step 5) is MORE than the height of the MaTech, (step 1) then your eyepice is higher than the MaTech and will not hit the MaTech. If it is LESS, you will either need to use a higher mount, or a different and lower folded rear sight.
You can use this procedure with any scope, any mount, and any rear sight. Just plug in the specific information for each.
As long as you measure with good calipers or have good info from the manufacturers and write the numbers down as you go, this is easy, and the math is very simple.