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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 12/14/2010 7:07:35 PM EDT
I won't have the budget for a second carbine until sometime next year. I'd originally planned to purchase a second / backup AR this year but other priorities have moved this one out a bit. I was pretty sure this was going to happen so I've been picking up quality spare parts to ensure that I can keep my AR running. I now have spares for everything but the upper & lower receivers, barrel, gas block, barrel nut, and BUIS. Having the parts and necessary tools on hand to repair all but the most catastrophic failures is close enough to having a backup carbine for the time being. ...or is it.

Yeah, it is. But - I'll go to get a tool that I keep with my spares and look at the assortment of parts. This gets me thinking.... A quality stripped lower is pretty cheap and readily available locally. I could pick one up on my way home from work and assemble a complete lower. And while a complete upper is a big expense I could just order a barrel, then a stripped upper the next month, then a FSB or lo-profile gas block, then BUIS, etc.... Then I find myself shopping prices online to see how it will play out which leads me to the conclusion that by the time I have all the parts to assemble a complete carbine I'll probably be in a good position to sport for the whole thing, in pieces or built. This is a better plan anyway as I have more time to consider exactly what I want for the second carbine and I'll still have all of my spares on-hand when finished (something I'd have to collect again if I use them for a build).

That pile of parts has set this little distraction in full motion about three times now. I think those parts are trying to sprout a complete carbine.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 7:15:54 PM EDT
sounds like a bad case...

send those pesky parts to me... i will dispose of them properly before they birth little baby black rifles.

Link Posted: 12/14/2010 7:16:41 PM EDT
BRD is the worst addiction in the  world. Wait until you start running out of room in the safe to keep them all. I already am dreading the conversation with the wife telling her I need another safe for my toys.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 7:21:30 PM EDT
well. that's the best way of keeping a parts count
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 8:43:09 PM EDT
I look at it this way....

You have lots of spare parts, IOT possibly fix a broken part on a rifle that goes down.  


You could go to your safe and get your spare rifle, and be back "up" instantly.  It is still spare parts...just all assembled, and your broken gun just became your parts gun....
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 4:01:11 AM EDT
A few months ago I built a complete upper with spare parts.  
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 5:01:33 AM EDT
Why have spare parts when you can have a spare rifle?
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 5:30:30 AM EDT
Why have spare parts when you can have a spare rifle?

The short version? Money
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 5:51:22 AM EDT
The last time I had spare parts it turned into a complete rifle for my GF. Now my spare lower seems to be morphing into an SBR with the assistance of AIM & Smartgunner's great prices... stamp time.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 6:12:22 AM EDT
Why have spare parts when you can have a spare rifle?

The short version? Money

You just have to put in some overtime
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 6:23:00 AM EDT
You could go to your safe and get your spare rifle, and be back "up" instantly.  It is still spare parts...just all assembled, and your broken gun just became your parts gun....

This is the way I look at it also.  Just like cvtrpr stated above.  Spare parts get lost, loaned out to friends, fall between the wall and work bench never to
be seen again, etc, etc.   Now a spare rifle on the other hand, you won't lose it.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 7:46:42 AM EDT
I won't have the budget for a second carbine until sometime next year. I'd originally planned to purchase a second / backup AR this year but other priorities have moved this one out a bit. I was pretty sure this was going to happen so I've been picking up quality spare parts to ensure that I can keep my AR running. I now have spares for everything but the upper & lower receivers, barrel, gas block, barrel nut, and BUIS. Having the parts and necessary tools on hand to repair all but the most catastrophic failures is close enough to having a backup carbine for the time being. ...or is it.

Yeah, it is. But - I'll go to get a tool that I keep with my spares and look at the assortment of parts. This gets me thinking.... A quality stripped lower is pretty cheap and readily available locally. I could pick one up on my way home from work and assemble a complete lower. And while a complete upper is a big expense I could just order a barrel, then a stripped upper the next month, then a FSB or lo-profile gas block, then BUIS, etc.... Then I find myself shopping prices online to see how it will play out which leads me to the conclusion that by the time I have all the parts to assemble a complete carbine I'll probably be in a good position to sport for the whole thing, in pieces or built. This is a better plan anyway as I have more time to consider exactly what I want for the second carbine and I'll still have all of my spares on-hand when finished (something I'd have to collect again if I use them for a build).

That pile of parts has set this little distraction in full motion about three times now. I think those parts are trying to sprout a complete carbine.

Just keep your eye on the EE for those parts, and buy them as funds allow. I did this for my last build, and it worked out well
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 9:34:50 AM EDT
Watch for sales, etc and you can build a new rifle one step at a time.  All while you are collecting "spare parts".  Very affordable that way.

Link Posted: 12/15/2010 9:45:53 AM EDT
freaking awesome subject title and awesome OP thread.

that's exactly  how ended up with multiples of ARs.. :D

LOL..  resist!  i am lucky my wife wants me to have guns and ammo in preparation for the "DAY"..

One day i was telling my wife..   i made a mistake building all these ARs.. when i could have just bought more uppers and one lower.  She goes, 'it's better to have more guns.. in case your friends come over when shit hits the fan.'.  


Link Posted: 12/15/2010 9:51:57 AM EDT
Hah!  yeah...happened to me too...TWICE!!  lol
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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