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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/6/2003 10:48:45 PM EDT
Hi there!

As a rule of thumb how can I tell when to stop shooting my rifle and let it cool off before it gets heat damage?

Should I even be worried about this, unless I'm shooting thousands of rounds at once?
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 10:54:46 PM EDT
Trust, me. Ive tried to melt one of the M-A parts guns I have and it's not possible. Smoke was pouring off the barrel but nothing screwed up. I think went through 12 30rd mags of Wolf in about 5 min. Ask one of the guys in the FA forum, I am sure one of them has tried to melt an upper or two.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 11:06:22 PM EDT
Is the barrel glowing orange or red?
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 11:22:06 PM EDT
I've never seen it glow before.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 11:55:42 PM EDT
Then I wouldn't worry about it [:)]
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 3:51:23 AM EDT
The gas tube will fail long before you do any serious damage to the rifle.  Shooting full-auto from Beta-C's you'll melt the gas tube somewhere between 100-200rds depending on the manufacturer of the tube (assuming sustained fire, and minimum time for the mag change).  In semi-auto, it would be pretty hard to do, though I have seen guys get their guns so hot the handguards get a little soft & squishy.
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 4:40:02 AM EDT
I have a 614 setup as a shorty. I'll occasionally run a Beta-C mag dump thru it for huge grins. The gun gets smoking hot after this and I'll set it down until the barrel is worm to the touch.

Maybe you could do a second beta mag dump but 1) I don't want to foolishly abuse my guns and 2) I don't have a second mag :)

Link Posted: 5/7/2003 5:22:38 AM EDT
yea when the handguards get soft of the front sight get's hot it's time to slack a little.  what do you mean by damage?  throat erosion increases with barrel temp.  the greater the throat erosion the less accurate.  if you have a 1.5 MOA plus gun i wouldn't worry.  if you have a target rifle sub 1MOA i wouldn't heat it up.  
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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