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Page AR-15 » Slings and Other Accessories
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 6/19/2011 10:49:35 AM EDT
I got a BFG padded vcas sling. It is fine in 2 point mode, but it hangs a bit low in 1 point mode. I got the 2 to 1 point triglide to make it a 1 point. I cinched down everything as much as possible and it is still loose on my torso. If I get rid of the quick release part, it might hang higher, but I prefer to keep that part if I can. So my question is...can I shorten it without doing any sewing modifications? I don't have any sewing skills or equipment. I also don't really want to be asked questions if I were to hand this over to a tailor. Appreciate any input. Thanks.
Link Posted: 6/19/2011 11:23:02 PM EDT
Tag for info.  I just did the exact same thing you did, today.  I put my new padded VCAS and triglide on my rifle and had the same issues with length you did.  I took the quick release buckle off, and the length was better but not perfect, and I want to keep the quick release buckle as well.

I don't know where you put your triglide, but there were two buckles on the short strap meant for the rear of the weapon.  I replaced the top buckle with the triglide, first with the QD point facing towards my body, then I tried it with the QD point facing away.  Facing towards me, there were only a few positions in which I even noticed it was there at all in two point mode.  Facing out from me, it suddenly became all kinds of uncomfortable.  Like jammed into my face when shouldering the rifle and pointing NTCH.

On the way to work tonight I thought about moving the triglide down to replace the bottom buckle, just before the sling threads through the QD swivel.  That should remove it from the equation entirely as far as having it press against parts of my body, and may improve the length issue, maybe enough to add the quick release buckle back on.

I think we both may be boned on getting it any tighter, simply because the padded version just doesn't have enough adjustable length to fit all types.  If we can't find an acceptable solution I'll probably just toss it on the EE and get the non-padded version.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 2:01:24 PM EDT
I actually got rid of all the stock triglides for the rear of the weapon to shorten it as much as possible. I think the 2 to 1 triglide might be enough. It's basically mash hook, quick release buckle, then 2to1 triglide with it facing away from the body towards the weak side.
I did a temp fix with a zip tie to mimic the webbing being reduced in length. Grabbed like a 2 inch loop and tied it. It sort of works as a 1 point sling, but not sure about transitioning to 2 point. I'd really hate to switch to a non padded sling. I bought it padded for a reason and I put a lot of money into the sling and accessories. I'm going to toy around with it some more, but I think the only option might be to just cut some of the webbing that actually slides around then resew it. Can regular tailors even handle that kind of thick material? I'm kind of glad that I'm not the only one with this type of problem. Maybe someone else had the same issue before us and found an efficient solution.
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 3:51:23 AM EDT
personally––-I just tug the loop

Link Posted: 6/21/2011 5:33:17 AM EDT
personally––-I just tug the loop


I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 11:31:16 AM EDT
watch the video on the site. It has a loop that you simply pull on which cnches the rfile up to however tight you want it––very quickly.
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 12:42:16 PM EDT
I've tried that on my sling. Even cinched all the way, it is still loose.
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 11:21:48 PM EDT
scissors, needle, thread

you're going to have to shorten it at one of the fixed points if you can't cinch it down enough

maybe ask around, there's bound to be some one around you that can sew.
Link Posted: 6/22/2011 1:46:15 AM EDT
Burgers, donuts, beer.  Much simpler.
Page AR-15 » Slings and Other Accessories
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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