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AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 8/24/2006 12:13:53 AM EDT
You can buy a complete practically brand new AK47 kit for $99, even with the looming barrel ban (eliminating all future importation), but when I look at the prices for USED AR parts I cringe!!!
I see used Mil-Surp uppers selling for more than a new upper from most places, I look in the EE some guy wants $115 for a B/BC/CH USED, that's what I payed brand spanking new! I see used mil/LE "Colt bolts" selling for about $70, they must've been cycled out as preventitive maitainance, right? But now everybody and his brother will pay twice as much as a new bolt just for a "Colt" proof mark? I really don't see any price drop for used AR parts, what gives??
It just seems nuts to me.
I admit, I've bought used M16 barrels for about $175 (SARCO), sure they were serviceable, but surely have seen thousands of rounds, rounds that used precios life span.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 1:08:34 AM EDT
If you can't tell the difference in quality and materials of a Colt surplus upper and a surplus AK kit then I don't know what to tell you.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 2:59:28 AM EDT
Does supply and demand ring a bell?
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 3:03:25 AM EDT
That's like saying; "I could buy an old pickup truck for $2,000! Why the hell are Mercedes going for $50,000?!"
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 8:22:21 AM EDT

That's like saying; "I could buy an old pickup truck for $2,000! Why the hell are Mercedes going for $50,000?!"

IMO, it's more like having old pickup trucks selling for the same or more than a NEW truck. Yea, my '81 GMC is worth $40,000 just because no one wants those new computerized trucks!!
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 8:27:05 AM EDT
How about the "the beat gos on" kits from Sell Anything Rusty Corp (SARCO), they are like $425 for a used kit, it cost more for Colt parts. I bought 1 and the barrel was pitted badly. I could buy a M1S kit new for less.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 8:31:30 AM EDT
So, get the M1 sales kit for less. If you think that a vendor is over priced, don't buy from them. If people stop buying, maybe prices would drop to be more competative. I sure don't know.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 9:03:51 AM EDT
With used parts, your paying extra for the "Field Tested, Guaranteed Grunt Proof" stamp of approval.  

Dammit man, we are professionals, you think that kind of testing comes cheap?

If we couldn't break it before it got declared surplus, consider it good to go, (or damn lucky!)

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 9:54:47 AM EDT

I buy used/surplus USGI parts, assys, etc.  That is because infantry weapons are interesting to me, especially USGI.  At the same time I do not buy anything from Model 1.  There is enough interest in these USGI parts/assy to keep prices above what you think is reasonable.  So, seems you can buy from Model 1, I will stick with the USGI stuff, and will both be happy.  And I won't ask you why you would buy stuff from Model 1, in that I don't care.

How about the "the beat gos on" kits from Sell Anything Rusty Corp (SARCO), they are like $425 for a used kit, it cost more for Colt parts. I bought 1 and the barrel was pitted badly. I could buy a M1S kit new for less.

Ah, now we are getting somewhere, yes you did get burned on that deal, and I get where you are coming from here.  These SARCO kits are indeed a rip off.  

When SARCO first got them in I got with Michael at SARCO to find out what all he had.  I explained to him the various types of Model 604's there were, and found that SARCO had nothing rare or of particular interest.  What SARCO has is the parts left over from US Air Force M16 (Colt Model 604) that were converted to M16A2's.  The conversion kits the Air Force bought were a barreled upper (no BCG, no charging handle), grip, buttstock, buttstock screw, and fire control group.

A factory original 604 barreled upper (no BCG, no charging handle), grip, buttstock, buttstock screw, and fire control group are worth say $300 or so in VG-EXC condition.  From the feed back I have read here most of these are not even original, they are rebuilds.  SARCO is completing these kits with commercial parts (like the ones Model 1 uses) for $425.  For that much money you should be getting a near complete factory original M16 USGI parts kit, not a "mix master" with commercial parts.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 10:27:00 AM EDT
Its the fact that they are "US" parts. Compare other US surplus firearms and parts to those of other countries. US stuff just demands a higher price. Now I do agree on current production parts. You would think there would be some depreciation. There was a used RRA stripped lower sold the other day on the EE for more than what you can buy then new. Its stuff like that I don't understand. And by the way, I love those cheap AK kits. Nothing like a Yugo Krink that was chopped up just last year. :)
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 10:32:32 AM EDT


I see used Mil-Surp uppers selling for more than a new upper from most places,

That's not been my experience.  I've bought two surplus M16A1 uppers (in the last year or so):

One was $270 without the bolt/carrier/CH
The other was $300 with the bolt/carrier/CH

Both shoot superbly, and have nice barrels.  One is clearly used, and the other is re-arsenaled and looks practically new.

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 11:38:52 AM EDT
What it seems you're doing is comparing SARCOs prices for  what may indeed be junky used stuff, to the prices charged by a parts outfit that indeed may sell junky new stuff

Yes. Much of what SARCO has is beat to hell crap; mixed in with some fairly good condition pieces, and buying anything from them is a totsal craps shoot.  But that's one supplier of of many.

A great deal of my AR stuff is milsurp; and I bought almost all of it either at gun shows where I could examine it; or off the EE section of this site; which has a reputation for more honest sellers per square yard than just about anywhere else on the internet.

You don't like SARCO? I don't either, so I don't buy from them. Poor shnooks who think that a 12 page ad in Shotgun News makes them hot stuff buy from them; and sooner or later they realize there's a better way to go.

But please, don't base your evaluation of the milsurp market on SARCO.  They're the bottom end.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 12:23:22 PM EDT
I can't believe no one has pointed out the obvious.  Every armchair commando wants authentic USGI stuff.  REAL military gear will always cost more than brand new commercial stuff, even if the military gear is inferior or used.

"Hey, boys, I got me an authentic M16 upper - USGI surplus."  
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 2:12:51 PM EDT

Why the hell are Mercedes going for $50,000?!"

Cuz Viagra popping pink shirt wearing Babyboomers LOVE to keep up with the Jonses. When the Boomers die, so do stupid European cars
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 4:27:40 PM EDT

I can't believe no one has pointed out the obvious.  Every armchair commando wants authentic USGI stuff.  REAL military gear will always cost more than brand new commercial stuff, even if the military gear is inferior or used.

There are quite a few types of posters here.  Speaking as a USGI collector I have not noticed any merger of the arm chair commandos with the collecting camp.  For example there are quite a few USGI collectors in the Retro section, but have not noticed any arm chair commando activity there.

I suppose there maybe some chairborne rangers there?


"Hey, boys, I got me an authentic M16 upper - USGI surplus."  

Oh yeah, sounds like a good excuse for a pic:

Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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