OK, this is somthing that has been on my mind for a while.
If a person in NC. ships mags off to a guy in a not so gun friendly state ( ie. CA. NJ ), aginst CA. law, who feels the heat. I would be very suprised if the guy in NC. has his local yocals knocking on his door the next day telling him that he was in violation of some CA. law. Although I could be wrong.
It seems to me that many of the sellers of mags on ths site, as well as others are getting their kicks in a " neener neener neener " manor
about selling mags to these states as if it were the fault of the GUN GUYS that live in these states that these laws are in place. Many of us have fought aginst these laws in every way we could. We are a hold out, and need support !! I would do anything I could to help guys living in a state with such laws, as a positive step aginst the anti-gun movment.
Sure you could say " why don't you move to a more gun friendly state, but you try telling your wife that she has to leave her house, family, and friends because it better suites your gun hobbie. Good luck! Working aginst guys in these states dose not help the gun movment at all, helping them does. I apolgize in advance to anyone that I might ofend by these statments, but I feel strongly about this issue. Your comments would be appreciated.