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Page AR-15 » Slings and Other Accessories
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 9/27/2016 2:09:16 PM EDT
Does anybody use one? If so, what are your thoughts?
Link Posted: 9/27/2016 9:23:20 PM EDT
Lightweight. Low profile. More comfortable. I like it a lot better than the clickers blue force gear slings.
Link Posted: 9/28/2016 12:57:08 PM EDT
Good to know. The Vickers sling was the only other sling I was contemplating. Thanks!
Link Posted: 9/29/2016 3:53:07 PM EDT
it doesn't get much more lightweight or low profile than the Proctor Way of the Gun sling. And at ~$30, you could get 3 for the price of 1 HSP sling.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 1:16:41 PM EDT
I might be off base, since I haven't physically handled either, but it seems like they are designed for different jobs with a small overlap in the "light, thin, two point" area.

The Proctor is not padded at all, just a web sling designed for easy adjustment and 550 cord attachment to almost anything. It's almost ideal for someone who wants to buy one sling for a wide variety of rifles and the goal is practical carry in the field. I hadn't heard of it until recently but will almost certainly buy one for just that reason. I have several rifles that I don't normally put slings on and they lack QD sockets or good ways to add them. Being able to quickly and easily swap around a quality sling between those rifles at about what it costs me to make one, is awesome. I've made something similar and if I factor in my time as having any value, I'm pretty sure it cost me a lot more.

On the other hand, the HS D3 is primarily a tactical sling. It is designed for QD socket use and includes a slightly wider section that will be on the shoulder during normal use. Single point use is well thought out and keeps the sling tighter to the body than many others without giving up freedom of movement. The two point option requires a front QD, not a common thing outside a small subset of rifles, but very common (and almost universally easy to add) on AR style firearms. The extra touches, such as materials choice, wider area, QD socket bracket for single point use, adjustment system and QD's themselves all justify the added cost if they serve your needs.

To me this is like comparing a basic Honda Accord with a BMW M3. They both go point A to point B quite well, particularly if obeying the speed limit and traffic laws. One does it in an economical and efficient manner with a few extras over a bare bones model. The other one uses a bunch of high end materials, a lot of refinement and extra capability most folks don't use day to day, but costs way too much if all you cared about was getting from point A to B. If the journey from A to B is full of crazy curves and situations, maybe the added cost starts showing some return. Let's not ignore the style points and enjoyment of use either. Many folks don't care, but many do, and there's no denying that the D3 has style. If I'm going hunting or just carrying my rifle from point A to point B and want my hands free, particularly if I want one sling to cover a wide variety of rifles, there's no question that the Proctor wins. That's why I'm probably buying one today and the D3 is on the "toy" list. For someone else the math might go the other way, particularly if they're just looking for something to use with ARs. I'm primarily shopping for a few bolt guns and use the slings I've made for the ARs.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 10:48:33 PM EDT
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Run one on my SBR and love it, how ever for half the price I also like my vtac. I run the D3 as a 2 point 99% of the time FWIW.
Page AR-15 » Slings and Other Accessories
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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