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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 4/20/2007 5:20:37 PM EDT
I just bought an NIB Bushmaster A4gery 20".    On the upper receiver, right side of the carry handle in front of the rear sight, and left side of site base are some markings most of which I've never seen before.  I also have a Bushy 16" HBAR M4-type that I built myself years ago from known Bushy parts (I ordered direct) that does not have any of these markings except the crown on the front site base.

The carrier is unmarked but the bolt has CM stamped on it, which I understand to be Continental Machine.  Good bunch, but does Bushmaster use these?

I bought this from a dealer and it came in the Bushy plastic case with all the right-looking paperwork, Bushy mag sealed in a plastic bag, sling...warranty card, etc.  It is NIB, but I'm a little worried about these parts and that there may have been a little switcharoo here and there.  Also, all these marks are raised-relief (vs sunken like a rollstamp) which I thought (don't know much about metalworking) could only be done in a casting (another worry) but not a forge....

What else can I look for to determine authenticity?  The barrel appears to be marked right, although the word "NATO"  is a bit lightly-struck....

I got a good deal on this (I think), but not anywhere close to "too-good-to-be-true" pricing -- $850 delivered/transfered.




Link Posted: 4/20/2007 5:38:09 PM EDT
Also... there are no white "T" marks on the rail....
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 5:47:17 PM EDT
Those are the right parts, don't worry.
The receiver mark is the forgers mark-CMT.
...and the Carry handle mark is also a forgers mark.
I have 3 Bushys with the 'key hole' mark, and 1 Colt with the same mark. The Carry handles vary, but one Bushy has the same one as yours.
Perfectly normal markings.
...and Bushmaster dosen't 'T mark' their rails.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 5:58:15 PM EDT
Not so sure what Bushmaster uses as the source of their forgings, or of their markings, though I believe the barrel should be marked: B MP or something like that.  

As for the raised markings, those are forge marks, so they indicate that you've got a forged upper and detachable carry handle.  The "keyhole" looking one is Cerro forge, IIRC, and the one on the carry handle is a Cardinal forge.  Both are well known on AR components, my CMMG upper is a Cardinal, while my Colt upper wears a Cerro, so no worries about them being cast, and from what I know, they could very easily be Bushmasters, unless someone else knows that Bushmaster uses some other forged upper exclusively.  I wouldn't imagine that to be true, though, I'd think they get the raw forgings from several sources, like most other AR companies.  

Also, most companies, AFAIK, don't engrave or mark their flattop uppers, again, I'm not sure if Bushmaster does or does not, as I don't have any Bushie parts, nor have I really looked into them.

HTH, I'm sure someone will be along shortly to give you some more help,
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 7:44:44 PM EDT
Thanks..... feel better...

What about the crown on the site base... who made that and is it forged?

Does Bushmaster (or any of the others) make anything of their own?

Link Posted: 4/20/2007 8:06:25 PM EDT
My Bushmasters have the crown on the sight base too.

All the forgings are produced by just a few forges. The finish work and assembly is usually done at the manufacturer (Bushmaster in this case).

Bushmaster does make its own barrels. I'm not sure what else.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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