I picked up a case on my way home from work today. It is 2001 manufacture. Looks very nice. I am gone this weekend, but should have a chance to test this the next weekend.
Interestingly, I called my local gun shop at about 10:00am this moring and asked what he had in 5.56 or .223. He said all he had left was 4 cases of Gaut, for $275 a 1000, or $426 out the door for a case of 1560. He said thats all he had and did not know if, or when, or what he can get at what cost, once this is gone. He also told me there is another 8% increase scheduled for Winchester and Remington ammo on June 1st. When I went there at 5:00pm to pick up the case, he had sold the other 3 cases this afternoon! Now this is in a little town in Northern Minnesota.
I have some other ammo for my AR but that is being saved. I needed some for plinking and testing mags, etc. But some of this will get stored for now too. Who knows what prices and availability will be in the future. Hopefully, eventually prices will come back down, then we can shoot without so much concern about depleteing a supply that might not be replaceable or at least replaceable at any affordable cost.